In order to protect you part I

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All ICT were practicing for upcoming matches

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All ICT were practicing for upcoming matches. They've planned some practice matches too. Players were having a practice session. Rohit announced the squad for the ext match.

Shubi - Why Vi bhai's name is not there

Ro - Virat is not playing the next match

Vi - Why not ?

Ro - No questions. This is my decision

Rah - The hell Rohit. This is the second match in a row. He is fit

Ro - So you know it better than me ?

Rah - Im sorry captain. Im not in a position to question you

Rahul went straight to the pavilion. Vi followed him as he is not practicing today. Ro ignored and directed others to practice.

This is new and not new thing. Ro is acting cold towards Vi. All memberes are aware of this. Some players were extreamly angry with Ro. Specially Shub and Rahul. Vi was also confused. He decided to meet Ro after the practices. They dont share room at night anymore. Ro hardly let juniors to crash into his room. This is happening since two weeks.

Vi - Ro can I talk to you

Ro - Yes Virat what is it ?

Vi's heart felt heavi after Ro calling him by his full name

Vi - Did I do anything to make you upset by any chance

Ro - Come to the point Virat

Vi - You are different. You have changed

Ro - This is real me. May be you never knew about me

Vi - Are you sure about benching me in the next match

Ro - Yes

Vi - Then.... I respect....your decision

Virat left the room. Ro felt like his head is about to be explored. Ro took the glass on the table and threw it to the wall out of anger. Some pieces hit him. Virat was still near the door. He herd the sound and barged into the room

Vi - Rohit what happened

Ro - Nothing


Ro - Stop screaming will you. Its nothing

Vi - Its bleeding. Let me treat you

Ro - Cant you mind your own businesses. Don't act like you care

Vi - Yes I don't care for you. I'm thinking about the upcoming match. Our captain cannot get injured before it. So for god sake ,let me take care of it

That shut Ro's mouth. He let Vi to do whatever he wants. Vi lifted Ro's sleeves to treat it better. He saw some old wounds. They were not there yesterday. Vi decided not to question and treated all the wounds.

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