Red Rose part II

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Ro ran until he found Vi. He was siting in the garden alone. Ro approached him.

"Vi….." He stopped to take a breath
There was no reply from the other one

"Vi…. the Red Rose "


"Red Rose…… Red Rose is a boy "

"What are you saying ?"

"See this " Ro showed the diary to Vi

'Red Rose. This is the end. End of your worries. Finally I can call you by your name. Isn’t this what we wanted. We became one. Most beautiful day of my life. My love, My Nihit. Until next life. Forever yours '

"What are you telling me ?"

"This was your problem right. See they are boys. Not girl and a boy "

There was no reaction from Vi

"Vi "

"What’s the difference Ro. Didn’t you see. They didn’t end up together. This society will never let it happen "

"Didn’t you see. Mr.X is happy "

"Where is the happiness without your love Rohit "

"Wait. I will prove that they were happy "

"How are you going to do that ?"

"I know one name I will search "

"There are thousands of people with the same name "

"Any how I will "

Ro ran to his room.

Ro was busy for next few days. He was searching for Nihit s . He called some of them. He didn’t even focus on practices. It was like he has turned into someone else. Vi couldn’t take it anymore. He went to Ro's room

He was searching names. Vi pulled Ro's hand and started to drag him away.

"Vi what are you doing ?"

Vi didn’t reply. He pushed Ro inside the passenger seat and drew the car. Ro tried to talk to him but didn’t find any luck. Vi stopped at a house which was inside of woods. It was a small villa.

"Vi where are Vi "

Vi unlock the door.

"The answer to your question. Is there. Go and find out. I will wait "

Vi didn’t say anything after that. Ro opened the door and walked to the Villa. The door was opened. He entered. There was a wall art of two handsome boys. He realized where he is.

He walked inside the Villa

Someone was sitting near a window. It was a man around his early thirties.

"Ahem…. excuse me sir " Ro talked to him

That man turned to him. He got up

"Oh my this is Rohit Sharma right. Huge fan "

They shook hands

"I’m Varun "

"Nice to meet you "

"Please sit Rohit. We can talk while havin a tea "

Ro followed him

"Mr. Varun. I came here to know about something. I need to confess something too"

"What is it ?" Varun asked after they sat on the sofa

"I read your diary. Its with me "

"Oh I guess. You found it in Wankade. What is your question Rohit "

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