Next MahiRaj part II

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Vi met Mahi and Yuvi while going to Rohit's room. They stopped him.

"Where are you going Cheeku ?" Mahi asked him

"To Ro's room "

"Why did I even asked "

"Wait Vi why are you glowing ?" " Yuvi pa asked after seeing his glow

"Im not a table lamp paji " Vi poted

"Looks like this one is also in love " Mahi teased him

"Wow so you two are in love " Yuvi asked him

"What two ?" Vi stoped

"I mean Shana is also in love "

"Wh…at "

"Yes he was telling us it earlier " Yuvi told him

"Oh I should go now " Vi turned to leave

"Aren’t you going to meet Ro, Cheeku ?" Mahi asked him as Vi changed the way

"Not anymore bhai " Vi left them

"What did you tell him Yuvi ?" Mahi asked after hee left

"That Ro is in love "

"And ?" Mahi was waiting like Chandler did for Joey

"No shit Sherlock. He will think that Ro is in love with someone else "

"Yes. God Yuvi. "

"Why didnt you stop me ?" Yuvi whined

"Lets hope it will not affect them "

Vi have never felt lost like this. He have never thought about a life wothout Ro. Now he is goung to expeience it. He decided to give some space to Ro. After he started dating Vi cannot stay 24/7 with him aand he need to practice for that too.

Three days went like this.

"Whats going on little one ?" Dada asked Vi during the lunch.

"I have become a broken hearted one side lover " Vi mumbled.

"Oh god did you confess ?"Sach pa asked him

"No he doesn’t love me "

"Who doesn’t love you ?" It was Ro

"Oh no one. Actually it is a cat. He doesn’t love me "

"Yeah I totally believe you. Come on lets go. I’ve been waiting to watch a movie and you didnt join me "

Ro pulled Vi and left after saying good bye

"So Ro is a cat now ?" Sach asked Dada

"Stop it Sach. And also that was the stupidest cover up. We should teach them about these things too "

Ro made Vi sit on his bed.

"What are we watching?" Vi managed to ask

"We are not here to watch a movie. Tell me what is wrong with you. You are ignoring me. You don’t sleep here. Did I do something wrong. I’m sorry if I "

"No no Ro. There is nothing like that. You see it is easy this way "

"What is easy. Life is not easy without you "

"Don’t say such things Ro. You are going to date soon I’m giving you a space. I don’t want your future partner to face insecurities because of me " Vi said what he felt

"Ok I’m confused now. How comes a future partner involved here "

"Yuvi pa said you are in love with some one. And I figure out. I should give space to you "

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