Sacrifice part I

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Originally intended to be sad ending. Choice is yours

Yes they are friends

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Yes they are friends. Not soulmates but friends. Lot happened within few years. They didn't fight for anything. Its just two players in one team. Nothing more. Nothing less. In last few years, both of them realized there is no point of being two strangers. They started to get close. They became friends. But apart from everything, there was a truth they were hiding. Did you know, they used to be best friends.

It was the day of final. Ro was nervous . He couldn't eat or sleep. He woke up before everyone and ordered a coffee for him. He was walking to the common balcony. It was facing the sea.

"Too much coffee "

Ro got startled from the voice. It was Vi.

"Its you. "

"Cant sleep ?" Vi asked him


"Don't drink too much coffee. It will give you energy. Then drain your energy "

"I want that Vi. I want energy to face the world. When I'm alone I want to forget everything and sleep like dead " Ro sighed

Vi took the coffee out of Ro's hand and started to drink it.

"You are showing some emotions now Ro. It rarely happens "

"I feel something really big is gonna happen. Not just the world cup final "

"Why are you afraid ?"

"Last time I felt this, lot happened " Ro looked at the see

"I'm here for you "

"You two are here. I was searching for you " Coach Rahul approached them

"Bhai "

"Get ready Ro. Today is the day " He patted both boys

It was magical. The game. People were on the edge. Yes a win after decade. There were tears everywhere. Lots of hugs. Ro looked at Vi. He drop the mask he use to cover his emotions and hugged Vi.

"We did it Ro. We Won " Vi hugged back.

Ro went to see his best friend. Ritika and his niece. He put Sammy on his shoulder to join the Victory lap. He reached Vi. Vi asked to take a picture.

On the other hand Vi wanted a picture with Ro. No one else. Ro realized it and gave Sammy to a supporting staff. They took a picture. May be after years, they took a picture alone.

In the POTM speech Vi took the retirement. This WC is going to cost a lot.

Ro had to go to the press. He had a thing in his mind. He is going to retire from this format too. This was his life. But no one is here with him who were there when he started. Vi was the last. He informed it to other players as well.

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