Heal my heart part II

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When Vi reached the ground for practice session next day every player including Ro was there.

"Good morning guys"

"Morning cap" Ro didnt answer. Vi saw he is not well

"Guys Mr. Suraj said we can use the new jym today. You can try that out." Others started to go there Vi stopped Ro

"Ro. Stop for a moment"

"Why ?"

"You seem unwell. You can take a rest today."

"No need captain I don’t want to be a spoiled brat and take advantages from your kindness" Ro left from there.

Vi was hurt and he knew he deserves it.
For rest of the day he got the silent treatment from Ro. Teammates couldnt do anything. Ash decided that they need to talk to Vi.

"Ro... our fitness coach has send a box. I forgot to get it from the office. Can you get it?" Ash asked Ro

"Sure bhai" Ro left to get the box

" Ash why did you..." Vi started
"Before you asking why did I send him instead of a worker, we want to talk to you about Ro."

"What is it Ash?"

"Please do something Vi. I hate this silence." Jaddu said.

"I know Jad. But he is really upset with me. I felt guilt when Ishank said I treat Ro special than you all"


"Yes Rah "

"We never take it serious. I know I complain the most saying you never force him to do exercises. But I myself will never allow him to walk  10meters without taking a vehicle. Rish complains you let Ro eat sweets not him. But he is the one who always bring sweets for Ro. You only punish Jaddu for pulling up pranks yet he is the one saving Ro all the time."

"Plus he is the one who can make Rah talk this much" Jaddu added and Rah glared at him.

"We like the close relationship you share with Ro, bhai. We all find it cute. We all have a soft spot for him" Shammi told him.

"When he is silent it feels like someone has stolen the happiness from the team Virat."

"I know Ash. Help me to bring him back"

Meanwhile Ro met Ishank and his friend while carrying the box

"Looks like Vi finally put him back in the place" He told his friend

"Im sorry what?" Ro stoped.

"You really thought he like you right?" Ishank smirked.

Ro droped the box near their feet.

"You know what mr.Ishank, I dont think, I know he likes me. You know what is the difference between you and me. He may get angry with me, punish me, ignore me but at the end of the day I will be in his arms. But you will never able to touch even a fingernail of him"

after saying that Ro left. Ishank's blood boiled.

"We should get rid of him" Ishank said to his friend.

Virat didn’t find any luck for two days as Ro was ignoring him.

There was a practice match after two days. Ro took his two bags to the ground and let one near the gate. He took his kit bag and went for the match.

Meanwile Ishank and his friend took the other bag and kept it near the working area of new building of the hotel. They contacted a worker and paid money to do a work for them.

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