South Africans

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This is about friendship

It was the evening of the day after RCB qualified

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It was the evening of the day after RCB qualified. Virat, Faf, Siraj and Maxwell were hanging in a coffee shop. Vi noticed the familier car is approaching the shop. It was Rohit's. Ro came in after parking the car. There were no more customers in the shop. Before taking his coffee Ro noticed them.

He was surprised at first. Then he masked it. Vi and Faf were sittong in one table and Siraj and Maxwell were taking pictures. He approched the selfie buddies ignoring Vi.

"Rohit you are here " Maxwell hugged him

"Maxi " He hugged back

"Bhai " Siraj also hugged him
They started chatting.

"Is it just me or did your Rohit ignored us ?" Faf asked Vi

"Of cause he did. You are not important but me . HE IGNORED ME "

"Shut up you crazy. We are in a public place " Faf whisper yelled while covering Vi's mouth.

Ro took a quick glanced at them and continued chatting with Siraj and Maxwell.

Faf dragged Vi towards them.

"Ahem Rohit I guess you didn’t see us. So we just came here. Hi "

"Hi Faf, nice to see you buddy " Ro shook hands

"Oh now I know you are not interested " Faf mumbled

"Did you say something ?"

"Nothing, Virat your turn "

Vi was just glaring at Ro

"If you have done with your staring session, I need to go back " Ro told him after a while

"Go where ?"

"Roam around the city you know. I’m not available after few day "

"Then Rohit why don’t you come to RCB camp with us. Since you were having a little chat with Maxi, I’m sure you two can catch up more there " Vi asked Ro

"That’s great bhaiya. Lets go please. DK bhai is also there. " Siraj pleaded

"No Siraj its not to go to another camp "

"Come with us Rohit. This is not your first time." Faf also asked him

Ro agreed finally. Ro went with Maxi. Vi with Siraj and Faf was alone in his car.
While driving to the camp Faf called AB. He picked after few rings

AB - Faf

Faf - Quick tell me a tip to be friend with him

AB- Did you also inherit some behaviors of biscuit. No that’s Rohit

Faf - Yes. Him

AB - What

Faf- Tell me a way to be friend with Rohit

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