Silent heart part II

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Yes Jaddu did take Ro to an ice-cream treat next day.

While they were having it Jaddu saw Ro's eyes. There were no more fear in them. But he is seeing fear in his own eyes. Fear of losing.

"Bhai, aren’t you going to eat ?" Ro asked him. He had some ice-cream near the chin.

"How messy are you Ro" Jaddu wiped it while laughing

"Bhai" he whined.

"Dont eat like this with others"

"Why ?"

"Because some people find it cute"

"You both do this" Ro complained

"What ?"

"Both you and Vi bhai talk with this alien language. I never understand"

"Oh... Veer also do this ?"
Ro just nodded.

They came back to the hotel after spending sometime together

Mahi bhai decided to pay them a surprise visit in the evening.He planed to stay there for few days. He met the new kid at the entrance.

"Mahi sir. Are you looking for someone" Ro asked him

"Hi Rohit"

"You know my name" he looked surprised

"Of course I do kiddo" Mahi ruffled his hair.

"Tell me where is Vi?"

"Oh Vi bhai is in his room. Room number is 2034"

"Lets take a walk to the room. Will you accompany me ?"

"Sure sir"

"Call me bhai "

"Ok Mahi bhai" they started to walk

"So tell me. You like it here Ro. How are your seniors"

"They are great bhai. I’m not used to everyone yet. Vi bhai is really supportive, Ajju bhai is like a best friend, Ash bhai helps me a lot." Ro started to count his fingers

"So is your Vi bhai take a good care of you"

"He does" Ro's face turned red. Mahi noticed it.

"This is the room bhai."

"Thank you kiddo" Mahi entered the room. There were two kids of him back facing.

"Not now Jaddu. Stop troubling me and find someone else to entertain you" Vi was scolding him

"You are boring"

Mahi cleared his throat. They both turned.

"MAHI BHAI" Vi threw himself to him

"How are you kiddos ?"

"You didn’t say you are coming"

"That’s what a surprise is"

"Mahi bhai lets go for a race. I’m bored of doing same thing everyday with this cap" Jaddu pointed at Vi

"He is doing everything but practice bhai" Vi replied

"Stop being playful for once and try to find someone who can tame you" Mahi hit Jaddu lightly on back

"Come on bhai. This man will never stay in a relationship. Everything is joke for him " Vi teased him

"I heard some stories about you too Cheeku. Captains new forming relationship with new young player "

"Ro is still young bhai. Don’t say such things" Vi whined

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