Confession part II

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Ro got ready to go to the dinner and pickedup Ritsy from her apartment. They arrived there around 7.30.

It was a simple restaurant with a great view of mountains. Not many people were there.

"Ro look Virat is here" Ro turned to the side Ritika was pointing at. Vi was not alone. Anushka was also there.

"Should we stop by to say hi ?" Ritika asked him

"No need. Ritsy cant we go somewhere else ?" But luck was not on his side Anushka saw them.

"Rohit?. Vi its Ro "  she waved her hand. Ro went to them with Ritsy.

"Hi Anushka" they both greeted.

"Hello… please sit with us " she asked

"No no you continue your date. We just came to say hi" Ritika interfered

"Ritika right? Please stay. More company mote fun"

Ro looked at Vi's face. Did he propose. Did I interfere before that.

"Sit with us Ro" Vi said

They were chitchatting for a while.

"Stop with 'Anushka ' you two. Call me Nushkie or Nush"

"That’s easy" Ritsy replied.

"You two are also here for a date ?" She asked Ro

"We just want to have dinner. Nothing else. This is one of my favorite restaurants"

"Oh. Great choice. Looks like this is a Sharma choice. I was the one recommended this"

"Why are you so silent Vi?" Ritsy asked him

"Seems like he is upset because his boyfriend came here with a girl" Nush winked.

"Stop it Nush" Vi said

"I’m not lying. He mostly talks about Ro."

Before she shared more things a waiter arrived with water. He started to pour it to the glasses.

"Warm water for him" Vi said to the waiter seeing he was going to pour cold water to Ro's glass.

"Didn’t I say. Perfect soulmates"

"We are friends for decades Nush. So he should know about it" Ro saved Vi

"Of cause. But I have mentioned couple of times I like cold water. Yet he asking for warm water for me. If they show us any more bromance here lets call them a couple" Nush told Ritsy


" didn’t want you to catch cold Nushkie" Vi said to her

"Yeah I know you are great at lying" Nush pinched his cheek

"Are we third-wheeliny ?" Rity whispered to Ro's ear

Seeing the closeness Vi put his hand on the table making a sound.

Dinner arrived. They were having it peacefully. Ritsy and Ro was eating from each others plates time to time.

Ritsy took mushroom curry from her spoon and put foreword it to Ro.

"Ro taste this. Its tasty"

Ro looked at Vi 'please stop me Vi'. He thought.

Meanwhile Vi was battling with himself to stop him. ‘don’t eat Ro’
Rohit ate it.

"ROHIT" Vi shouted

"What happened Vi" Risy asked

"He is allergy to mushrooms "

"Oh my. I’m sorry Ro. Why didnt you tell me earlier. "

Ro started to feel itchy near the throat

"What’s happening Ro?"

"Cant breath"

Vi took an ice cube from another table and applied it to the burning area. He was ok after a while.

"Ro we should go to the hospital" Ritsy took him with her

"Vi lets follow them" Vi didn’t move


"I… I need to go back to the hotel"
He left there.

Vi reached his room and shattered the glasses on the table by throwing them to the wall. He screamed.

"How did I let that happened?" His eyes caught a glass piece on the floor.

Ro came back after a checkup. He was alright.  Vi entered his room after a while

"Ro… are you ok now?"

"Didn’t die yet" he replied coldly

"Don’t say such things" Vi sat beside Ro and tried to touch his neck. There were red marks from the allergy. Ro slapped his hand away. Vi hissed.

"It was just a small hit. Why hissing?"

Vi didn’t say anything. Ro turned to his side and took Vi's hands. He rolled up the sleeves of Vi's shirt. Ro was shocked. There were blood all over.

"Virat you are injured. What the hell happened?"

"I was frustrated "

"Don’t tell me you cut yourself. Oh god. Why?"

"Because I acted as a jerk"

"Why didn’t you stop me Vi?" Ro asked while treating to his wounds

"I was angry with you. You were acting like a couple with Ritika"

"Vi, why does it matter?"

"I hate it. How could she act like that with you. I wanted you to see she doesn’t know about you. I thought you will say you cant have that curry"

"I was hoping you would stop me Vi" Ro spoke slowly.

"I’m sorry Ro"

"Its done. You can go back. I need to take a shower" Ro went to the washroom.
When he returned, Vi was still there playing with a ring.

"Didn’t you leave?" He sat beside Vi

"See this ring. I bought this to asked Nush out"

"Didn’t you confessed?"


"Why?" Ro was curious

"Look at this" Vi showed him the ring he was wearing

"You wear this all the time"

"Yes. Papa used this to ask Ma out. I wanted to do the same"

"Then why did you buy another one"

"Because I felt Papa's ring is more important than this confession. Now I’m glad I never asked out"

Vi took Ro's hand and put the ring around his ring finger.


"Why did you do that?"

"Because you are important" Vi kissed Ros hand.

"Are you asking me out?" Ro raised an eyebrow

"No. Because you are mine and mine only" he trailed few more kisses along the hand until he reached Rohit's shoulder.

"Confident much" Ro teased him

"How could you let her touch your neck" Vi kissed the redden area.

"Because you lost your chance"
Vi bit him

"Ouch Vi. Stop it are you a dog?"

Vi gently pushed Ro to make him laying on the bed then hovered over him. He gently kissed Ro's forehead, nose and cheeks still avoiding the lips.

Ro grabbed his waist and swapped their positions. Now he is on Vi. He leaned to Vi's lips.

"Can I ?"

Vi nodded

Ro gave him a peck on the lips. Then he grabbed Vis jaw. Vi opened his mouth. Ro started to kiss him properly. His lips are addicting.

Meanwhile two girls were having a conversation

"Do you think it worked?" Nush asked Ritsy

"Come on Nush. My plans never fail. " they high-fived


Hope you liked it

(I gave a hint about a story I want to try in previous part. Of cause Ro centered. Not soon. After March may be )

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