Trapped in a song

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Vi and Ro are in a relationship in this story

Vi and Ro are in a relationship in this story

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Vi slept over at Rahul's room. When he was going to his and Ro's room, he heard a music coming out of it. Ro was singing a song while playing the guitar. He plays rarely.

'The unforgettable places
And the promises we made,
I cant see you there anymore......
I know... I know... I know...
I know that this"

"Ro... stop singing that " Vi entered the room

"Oh you are here already. I thought you have forgotten about me"

"It was only been a night and you have started to play the broken heart role already. I don't know why you are obsessed with that song Ro ?"

Vi didnt know why he hates that song. He never let Ro to complete it

"And I don't know why do you hate it ?" Ro replied with a question. However he stopped playing the guitar

"Because it gives me sad vibes "

"Sad songs are beautiful Vi. You should listen to it "

"Yeah yeah, anyway I'm going out with Rah."


"He needs to buy something to Thia Ro. I promised, I would help" Vi said while hoping for a earful from his possessive boyfriend.

"Ok ok fulfill everyone else's promises. If you have time after all think about this person too. You know. Your boyfriend ?" Ro said with a fake anger.

"I will come back soon ok. Don't miss me too much" Vi hugged him

"Ok I will keep missing someone else" Ro tighten his hand around Vi

"Should I cancel my plans ?" Vi glared at him. Yeah Ro is the possessive one.

For more than two weeks they had time for them hardly. Vi had to assist kids specially Rah as he is going to propose Thia.

Its is not true if I say Ro wasn't affected by it. He sure did.

Some players were chilling in the team room after the dinner. Ishu and Shubi were troubling others aa usual. This time their Victim was Sky. Jassi and Vi was also there. He came back after having dinner with Rah from a different hotel.

"Sky bhai"

"Yes Shubi what is it now?" He asked

"If you want to date one of the teammates. Who will it be"

"Why do I need to date a teammate?"

"That's why he use the word 'suppose' " Ishu joined.

"Rohit obviously" Sky said. It got Vi's attention

"Wow Vi bhai looks like you got a competition " Ishu joked

"Why do I need to compete for something I already owned?" Vi smirked at them

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