In order to protect you Final part

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Rohit was waiting for Surya. Surya was suppose to stop by in the evening. Ro's hair was still wet after taking shower. He was careful with the eounds. He is just lazy to dry it. Just then Virat entered the room.

Ro - You are late Sur…. Oh its you

Vi - Looks like you are waiting for Sky
Vi sat beside Ro

Ro - He told me he will join in the evening

Vi - Your hair is wet. You have wounds and you will catch cold. Let me dry it fir you

Vi took a towel and started to dry Ro's hair. Ro felt it was familiar. He moved and laid his head on Vi's shoulder. He suddenly remembered what he was doing and moved back

Ro - I’m sorry I didn’t know why I did that

Vi - Because no matter you forget about things. Your body still remember me. You use to fell sleep on me when I dry your hair.

Virat got up to leave. He cant do this anymore. He has lost his Ro.

Ro - Virat I’m trying my best I don’t know why I cant….

Vi - I know you are a forgetful person…. But… out of everything….. why did you decided to forget about me

Ro - Virat please

Ro tried to touch Vi's hands. Vi yanked them away.

Vi - Only Ro can console me. You are Rohit not Ro

He wiped his tears and walked out of the room. Ro held his head between his hands and fell onto the bed. Why cant he remember ?

Surya entered the room just then

Sky - Ro, Rohit, bhau are you alright ?
He rushed to Ro's side and nade him sit

Ro - Why everything is happening to me Surya. I hurt him. Why cant I remember him

Sky - Are talking about Vi ? You know what Ro we always forget about the things we are close to the most. Even without a gead damages.

Ro - But I remember most of others

Sky - He is your everything Ro. You got this wounds for him. He is the reson behind your smile. He is the person who fought with every player of MI for getting closer to you.

Ro - Did he

Surya - Of cause. Im one of them. God has a plan for everything. Who knows, after getting your memories you may get more than you think

Ro - Tell me some stories about us Surya

Surya - I will. But you should sleep ok
Ro fell sleep eventually while listning to Surya. He had a dream about him and Vi.

They were in the ground after an IPL game between MI and RCB. Vi was angry with Ro

"Ro - Vi please try to understand. Polly was trying to divert your forcus

Vi - Why did he tell you are his Ro ? Wait I will skin him alive

Ro - You have to get few inches taller for that

Ro mumbled

Vi - What did you say. I will kill you instead. Why didnt you come to RCB. Im tired of going after you idiot. Every year. Every year Im getting few years old during this season

Ro hugged him to shut him.

Ro - Stop already my bullet train. You fight for getting attention although you know my attention is only yours. You know Vi no matter how many people came in to my life no one can come between you

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