You, Me and Him

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Got this request for a three sided love story.
Ro and Vi are in a secret relationship in this story.

Virat came out of the washroom after talking a shower in the morning

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Virat came out of the washroom after talking a shower in the morning. Rohit was already dressed for the day. Vi stood in fronf of the mirror while drying his hair.

Ro approached him. He stood behind Vi keeping his hands around Vi's waist and chin on the shoulder.

"Why smelling so good ? You are making good boys bad "

"Really, reciting poems early in the morning " Vi turned to Ro

"You are a poem yourself,
Different by eyes
Similar at heart
You brought sorrow
Tears of art " Ro narrated his favorite poem.

"I never brought tears to your eyes Ro "

"I know but this is my favorite poem. One day I heard it now its stuck in my mind. Shame that I don’t remember the rest of it "

"May be there is someone else who brings tears to your eyes. Tell me Mr. Sharma are you cheating on me " Vi pushed him to the bed. Ro pulled Vi by his hand. He landed on the top of Ro.

"Do you see me as an idiot to cheat on someone like you. "

"Someone like me. Tell me how’s me ?" Vi asked him

"First of all you are beautiful "

"No I am handsome "

"Ok then you always uderstand my alien language "

"I have a phd for that "

"No one will like a crackhead like you. So I dont need to worry "

"ROO "

"Sorry sorry. Those are not the real reasons. You are the one who gives me a shoulder to cry and reason to smile. When the whole world is against me I see you holding my hand staying closer to me. "

"Why you are so romantic Ro I’m scared that someone will take away you from me " Vi pecked his nose.

"I’m already under your custody. Who will pass a king to get me " Ro smooched Vi's face here and there.

"Tell me what is your busy schedule today ? "

"Mmm practices, meeting with bcci, then I have to talk some team matters with Rah. May be I will sleep over there "

"What a busy boyfriend I have. If you are leaving me for all day give me some attention now. " Vi pouted

"As much as I want to give you some attention we need to be in the ground in fifteen minutes."

"Couple of hickeys will do Ro "

"Well I have time for that. But not in visible areas though " Ro trailed down few kisses from Vi's neck. He stopped near Vi's chest and removed the tank top a bit. Ro softly attached his lips on Vi's skin started to suck near the right nipple. He kept doing it until it get bruised. Vi was a moaning mess under him.

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