My energy pill part II

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Ro was fine after taking medicines. He joined the practices next day. Vi and Jinks were talking about some random things.

"Vi, Gauti bhai is here" Jinks showed a direction

"What is he doing here ? I was not informed "

"May be a casual visit. Don’t ty to act smart. Just have a formal conversation "

"Are you nuts. I respect my seniors. Nothing is going to happen "

Gautam reached them.

"Virat, sorry for interrupting your practices. I came to meet head coach. Decided to pay the team a visit too "

"Welcome Gautibhai. We are just having a regular practice session "

"Mind if I talk with some players ?"

"Not at all. Call me if you need anything "

"Thanks "

Gautam met some players and wished them for the previous match. He saw Ash and Ro were playing far away from others. He went to see them.

"Gautibhai " Ash stopped bowling and came to see him. Ro also followed

"Hi Ash. How is everything " they shared a quick hug

"Everything is fine bhai. "

"Hello Rohit "

"Hello sir " Ro held out his hand

"Drop the sir. I’m not in a school " Gautam pulled him and gave him a hug

They chatted for a while. Ro was silent.

"Talk freely Rohit. I will not bite you "

"He isn’t shy usually. Its just you are here. Otherwise this is a chatterbox " Ash pushed Ro a little

"I know. I have seen it lot of times. I really like you Rohit. I mean the way you play. The belief you have in you. Looking forward to catchup with you "

"Thank you bhai. Its great to talk with you "

"What do you say. Since its free tomorrow. Wanna catch up around evening "

Ro looked at Ash

"I will see that bhai. He sometimes gets extra sessions " Ash helped

"Oh is it. Hoping for a good reply from you "

He hugged Ro again before leaving.
Someone was looking at them all the time. Ash noticed it well. He directed Ro to take a break and went to see the person with firers expressions.

"Want some water ?" Ash asked

"For what "

"To calm the fire. You were glaring at us all the time Vi "

"What did he say "

"He wants to meet Ro. They will meet tomorrow "

"How can they. Ro has some works to do "

"Don’t play this way Vi. What is your problem. If you play this way he will leave you "

"I will not let him go out with him. I cant risk it. Didn’t you see he was totally hitting around "

"I don’t understand you sometimes "
After the aession Vi let others except Ro to leave.

"Rohit, you need to do some works tpmorrow "

"Bhai not tomorrow. I promised Gautibhai to meet him " Ro made a ppouty face

"So its important than my work "

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