I'll be there for you

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This is a long forgotten request.

It was just after the world cup finals

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It was just after the world cup finals. The feeling of defeat was still swirling around them. There were only few players in the team hotel. Rohit didn't force others to return.

He knew that spending time with families will heal them. At least to a considerable stage. As for the players stay in the hotel, he was there to comfort them. It was Jassi, Shubi, KL, Shrey and Sky. Virat also decided to stay to help Ro. Because someone should be there for Ro too.

Ro was going to the team room with Vi. They saw the juniors looking at something in the phone keenly. It was Shubi's phone

"New gossip ?" Rohit asked them

"They are saying some shit about Vi bhai " Jassi said

"Didn't I tell you not to use your phones to see these craps " Ro tried to snatch the phone.

"Wait what are they saying ?" Vi was curious.

"Vi you shouldn't..."

"Don't worry Ro. Tell me what the article is about ?" Vi asked Shubi.

"They are saying, that you performed well until you achieve the record and...."

"And ?"

"That you didn't perform well in the finals and let the team down when we need you the most "

"Shubman stop it now " Rahul took the phone and erased the recent feed.

"We should move on guys. May be it was our destiny we couldn't get it" Ro said

"We could have get it, if someone played for the team instead for the opposition. " Shrey said finally "

"What the hell is wrong with you now Yas ?" Ro asked him.

"Bhai ask him what he did he do with opposite captain before the finals. I herd him talking something like, 'I play for you'. I didn't bring this up before but I herd that bhai "

"You should be mistaken Vi bhai would never do such a thing " Jassi said

"Of cause you will never suspect him. You are too innocent to this world "

"Ok that's enough. You all.. back to your room. No Shreyas no more word. "

Everyone left except Rohirat and Shubi.

"You are not believing him right Shubi ?" Vi asked him

"I have no right to question you bhai. I didn't perform well in the finals too. But.."

"But ?"

"I also saw you talking with him too. I'm sorry." Shubi left there.

"I don't know what the heck is wrong with them. But I know you better than anyone. And this is rubbish. You are the most selfless player I have ever seen" Ro comforted him

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