Language of love

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Rohit and Virat are in a relationship here.

"Vi lets do something for valentine this year." Ro excitedly said.

"What you want to do Ro?" Vi laid his head on Rohit's lap.

"Lets go somewhere."

"We can take dinner outside today"

"Not romantic at all" Ro poked his forehead.

"You know Ro I never celebrate valentine"

"Yeah yeah same story another year." Ro pouted.

"I promise we can do something on 15th "

"What is the point of celebrating after 14th?"

"Why do we need to set aside a day to celebrate love Ro. There are 365 days in a year."

"You and your justifications. Now leave my lap. Shoo. I need to go to meet the Coach. He asked me to meet him before the practices"
Ro pushed his gently out of his lap and left to meet the coach.

Rahul met Vi near the gym before the practice session. He saw Vi lookes upset.

"Vi" no response


"God Rahuliya, you gave me a heart attack"

"Whats wrong with you. You seem upset"

"Its nothin Rah"

"Come on. You can share your thoughts with me"

"Its about Ro?"

"What happened to him? Is he okay? You fought with him?"

"Really Rahul ?"

"Hee heee tell me "

"You know, after Sahara broke up with me on valentine's day, I have stoped to celebrate valentine"

"Yeah... and?"

"I think Ro is upset because of that"

"Seriously why don't you celebrate with him Vi. Its not like you haven't moved on"

"God. I don't even remember her face anymore. The thing is I'm afraid I will ruin his mood due to past memories Rah"

"Vi, lets play a game?"


"Close your eyes"

Vi closed his eyes.

"I will tell a word. You have to tell me the word which came ti your mind as soon as you heard. Got it?"


"Ok lets start with a simple one 'Moon'"







"Rohit" Vi opened his eyes

"Yougot your answer?" Rah smirked

"Thank you so much Rahuliya" Vi hugged him

"Dont call me that" Rah screamed.

Vi got a call from Sahara. He left to answer it.

After meeting coach Ro went to the ground to practice. He got a call from someone. The caller id was 'witch'. Usually he doesn't answer calls from this number. Today he decided to answer.

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