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Vi and Ro are in a secret relationship in this story. Top Ro alert

"ROHIT, are you sleeping in the wash room

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"ROHIT, are you sleeping in the wash room...?" There was no responce from him

"Im going to the tattoo parlor." Vi tried again

"Wait two minutes" Ro replied from the washroom.

He came out afer few minutes. Only in sweatpants. Water drops were dripping from his hair.

"Where are you going?" He asked Vi

"I told you I want to get a new tattoo. I'm going to meet a new artist " Vi made Ro sit on the bed and started to dry his hair using a towel.

Ro wrapped his hand around Vi's waist and put his head on Vi's stomach.

"I need to go Ro" Vi didn't want to leave either. He really likes these little moments with Rohit

"Why do you need to cover your body with tattoos Vi?" He looked up in the same position

"Because I love them"

"If you love to color you body in black that much, give me a time I can paint your whole body with black ink"

"Are you sure you only want to paint my body with ink?" Vi playfully raised his eyebrows

Ro pushed Vi

"Go away Kohli unless you really want to"

"I'm going I'm going" Vi rant out after taking his wallet and car keys.

Ro laughed at him and fell back to the bed to take a nap.

Vi didnt return until 3in the evening. Ro texted him.

"Where are you"


"On way to the hotel. It took hours."


"Did you tattooed entire word there? Dont cry and ask my help it it started to swell"




Vi reached the hotel around four. His hand was covored.

"What took you so long Vi?" Ro back hugged him

"It took more time than I imagined Ro"

"Arent you going to show it to me?"

"I will. But not soon. It will be settled by tomorrow"

"You showed others while they are fresh" Ro complained.

"This is a surprice Ro."

"Ok ok. But dont forget tomorrow we have meeting and BCCI dinner to attend"

"Yeah. This will be ok by then"

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