Sacrifice part II

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Happy ending !

The video was the same one with more length. Vi was trying to open it and Kuldeep decided that they should leave.

Kul - Guys I think we should go now

Yashu - I want to know what happened

Jassi - Me too

Jaddu - Guys its

Vi - Its ok

Vi played the video.

It was outside their team hotel. Ro was giving Vi a piggyback ride. It seemed like Vi is drunk. Shikhar was the one behind the cam.

Ro - Stop it Shikhar. You are going to blackmail him using this.

Shikhar - No. Look he is cute when he is drunk

Vi - No move

Ro - Seriously, I’m not a vehicle. We are almost there

They took him into the room which was showed in that video. Vi sat on the bed.

Vi - Les party

He screamed

Ro - Virat just sleep. You drained our energy. How can someone get drunk by single glass.

Vi - Um single. I hate being single

Ro - God now what ?

Vi - Iss bad. Thas why Um single

Shikhar - Wow new info. Does he love someone

Ro - Shikhar stop now. And you Mr. Who is bad. How can I not know about your love

Ro asked the overexcited person on the bed

Vi - You know him

Vo pointed at Ro

Ro – Me ? And also him. Who is he Vi. Who do you love

Vi - Its you silly

Ro - Ok stop joking and go to sleep

Vi - See Shikki je is bad. No love me.

Shikhar - What are you saying Vi

Vi - I can do anything for you. Ask meee to leave cricket. I will.

Vi threw himself on Ro. Ro was shocked. It was clearly visible on his face. Vi fell sleep. Ro leaned on to the headrest. Tears were gathering in his eyes.

Ro - Why did this happened why ?

Shikhar - What are you going to do Ro.

Ro - I’m leaving

Shikhar - You cant. He will get upset in the morning

Ro - He will not even remember what we talked. I will stay far away from him. We will play together but not closer.

Shikhar - Don’t take decisions hastily Ro

Ro - If he keep loving me his carrier will be over. He has long way to go. I need to make the way

Shikhar - Ro

Rohit settled Vi carefully on the bed and left the room.

Video ended there.

No one said anything. What to say. One of the secret of their seniors were out. Vi was in love with Ro. And Ro knew about it.

Rishu - Vi bhai…. Did you did you love him?

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