Best choice of my life part II

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Rohit was practicing continuously with the bowling machine until a ball hit his hand. He needed some distraction. He kept himself busy for few days after knowing about Virat's martiage. He went to the room to put some ice on the wound. Vi was already there.

"Did you go to practice alone again Ro "

"Yeah " Ro took an ice pack from the fridge.

"What happened Ro ?"

"Got hit " these days his chatter box is not working properly.

Vi took the pack from his hand and started to apply it to the wound

"Why so clumsy Ro. I dont know what will you do if I left your side for a week or more"

That hit really hard

"Why should you leave me…?" Ro asked him.

Vi kept silent for a moment.

"Ro.. Priest has given a date for the engagement "

"Oh.. " Ro withdrew his hand from Vi

"Looks like this time Ma was able to trap me " Vi said with a smile. Yes an awkward one

"Why is everything happening so fast Vi ?" Ro asked him

"I don’t know either Ro. But they think if we get married soon we will get more time to understand each other better "

"Mm. Have you ever loved anyone Vi ? I mean didn’t you want your marriage to be a love marriage "

"Who doesn’t like to marry someone after spending sometime as lovers Ro. But I didn’t get that chance. May be this is my destiny " Because you belong to someone else Ro.

"Who knows may be I will also needed up in an arrange marriage "

"Then what about Ria ?"

"Ria.. yeah she is there " Ro decided that he should tell about her after Vi's marriage.

"By the way do you interest in dress hunting for my engagement ?" Vi asked him

"What ?"

"My engagement. I need to choose a dress. One of my friends always said I should get one outfit from him for my wedding. I planned to go there "

"I.. I’m not familiar with those things Virat. Ask Mahi bhai or Ajju. Both are married after all. "

Ro calling him by full name was not went unnoticed by Vi.

"Oh. I will ask them then. Ro is it just me or you also feel that we are acting different these days"

"You are going to marry Vi. May be that’s why. Now go to bhai before he promise someone to spend his afternoon with "

"Yeah.. ok see you later "

Virat went to Mahi's room. Mahi was sitting on a couch. Vi sat down near him.

"Whats wrong Cheeku. Where is the thunderstorm you always bring with you "

"Bhai… Im going to get engaged soon "

"Oh.. so that is confirmed " Mahi hoped that Rohirat would end up together. Looked like their lives are playing with them.

"Bhai I need you and Ajju's help to buy a dress for my engagement. Wedding dress will be selected by my parents "

" you are going to marry her"

"Yes bhai. There is a shop owned by my close friend. Can you go with me. Rohit was not interested that’s why "

"Yeah I figured. Lets go with Ajju then "

They were at the shop in half an hour. Vi has decided to wear western clothes for the engagement. They were some clothes

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