Confession part I

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Some players ages will be different in this story.

Some players ages will be different in this story

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"Vi I love you"

"I love you too Ro. You are my best friend after all"

"Vi that's not what I'm saying" Ro held Virat's hands

"Ro what happened"

"I don't know how to explain this. You know I cant hide things for you. You have been there for me in my struggles. I know you are straight but I have caught feelings for you" Ro looked at Vi's eyes.

"Ro if you are pranking me stop it now this instant. This is not funny"

"I'm not joking. Its ok if you cannot see me as someone more than a friend. I understand it is a lot to take. Please think about this Vi. "

"Rohit. Please don't put me in this situation. How could you say that. I need a time to process everything. Meanwhile come back to your senses. I don't want to loss my friend" Vi left there

"So I became Rohit and just a friend within two minutes" Ro told to himself.

But he knew if he keep this from Vi for any longer, his heart will be exploded.

Vi didnt join him during the breakfast. Ajju saw Ro sitting alone and joined him.

"What happened Ro?"

"I told him "

"Oh. I assume it didnt go well"

"Yeah. Im scared Ajju. What if I lost him "

"Nothing will happen Ro. I assure you. He is just confused" Ajju held Ro's hand.

Ro saw Vi was looking at them.

"Will you be ok during the practices Ro"

"I cant act like heartbroken teenager in front of the team Ajju. We are trained to control our emotions" Ro patted his shoulder and left to the ground.

Ro gave the team a pep talk about upcoming matches and released them to practice. He called Vi.

"Virat wait for a bit"


"Forget about our personal matters during practices. I don't want my best player to loss himself" Ro tried to ease the tension.

"I will try not to Rohit, but why did you bring those personal feelings to the ground" Ros smile fell as Vi left to practice.

Ro got a call from the reception. There was someone waiting for him in the lobby. He left to see the person

"So you decided to come back finally" Ro told to the figure who was back facing him.

"Of cause I had to. Otherwise you will ended up signing a contract to go to the moon" Ritika turned and hugged Ro

"Welcome back my manager"

"Why are you looking skinny. Did you skip meals?" Her motherly mode was activated

"Ritsy yaar, you are back after a month. Stop with your scolding. Lets go out for a coffee"

They went to the cafe outside the hotel.

"So when did you come back?"

"Yesterday. "

"And didn't inform me"

"Come on Ro. I didn't even met my other family members yet"

"Ok ok. Now you are here finally." They chatted fir a while

"By the way Ro. Is Vi dating Anushka?"

"What?" Ro coughed

"Careful. I just mention your best friends name and here you are , trying to die"

"You mean Anushka Sharma?"

"Yeah I saw them yesterday in a cafe near my apartment"

"Oh they are just friends" Ro felt uneasy.

Ro went back to the team hotel. He met Shubi near his room.

"Ro bhai where were you?"

"I went out with a friend Shub. Were you waiting for me?"

"Yes. Can I sleep in your room tonight?"

"Of cause you can kiddo. No need to ask"

"Bhai.. don't call me kid " he whined

"Ok my grown up young man. Lets go to the dining area. Its almost noon"

Ro put a hand around Shubi's shoulder. This kid is taller than him.

They entered the dining area. Vi was having lunch with Siraj.

"He is really close to Ro bhai these days" Siraj told Vi

"They are openers after all" Vi replied

Shubman came toward their table as Ro stoped near Ash.

"Vi bhai you didnt wait for me" he complained

"Why you need me Shub. You got the attention of your favorite "

"Rohit bhai ?"

"So is he your favorite ?" Vi smirked

"BHAI dont do that"

"Ok ok sit and have your lunch" Vi made him sit

"Seriously Shubi you like your Ro bhai a lot" Shub smile to that statement

"You know what bhai. Lot of people say Im your kid. May be thats the reason Im atracted to him" That made Vi shut him mouth.

That night Ro had a much needed conversation with Shub


"Mm?" Shubi asked after they settled to sleep

"What do you think about love?"

"Shubi you are still 20. Arent you too young?"

"Come on bhai tell me. You must be experienced"

"How can we explain love Shubi. It is not just a feeling. Love his everythin. You feel butterflies in your stomach when you see that person. You will do anything to see them smile"

"Bhai. Is it wrong if I love a boy. He is also older than me"

"Shub. I dont think love has a gender or age"

"What if he reject me?"

"Will your love ends for him then?" Ro asked and Shub shook his head a no.

"Then it is ok Shubi. It is him desnt love you. You can keep loving him right?"

"Ro bhai. Are you doing the same? Do you have someone who doesnt love you back."

"Yes. But I will keep loving him till the end"

"I hope you will find your love bhai."

"You too Shubi"

"Im not sure about me bhai. But, I will aslo keep loving him till the end. Even if I cant get his love"

They slept with lot of emotions.

Next morning Shub woke up early to the gym. Ro was woken up by the sound of door.

"Come in" he shouted.

Vi entered the room.

"Ro can I talk to you?" Vi hesitantly asked

"Since when do you need permission to talk to me Vi?"

Vi sat on the bed.

"What's wrong Vi ?"

"Ro, you remember my shampoo advertisement?"

"With Anushka. Yes why?"

"After the ad we become really close"

Ro nodded his head.

"Don't think of me as a emotionless freak Ro. I know I am hurting your feelings, but I think I love her"

Ro smiled at him masking his emotions.

"Vi. I told you before. I just confessed my feelings. I was not expecting you will have the same feeling about me and this story to become a fairy tale kind. If you are sure about the feelings for her. Just go for it"

"Rohit I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I'm happy for you. So will you ask her to be your girlfriend ?"

"Yeah. Hope she will not reject"

"She will not. You are VK after all" Not the Rohit Sharma. Ro thought that part in his mind.

"Thank you Ro" Vi hugged him lightly.

Ro got a message from Ritika.

"Lets go out for dinner tonight"


"Sure. Same place "



"Rohit whats happening?"
"I cant breath"

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