Am I not enough part I

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Mahi is the captain of the team. Virat is deputy. Top Vi alert. This photo is about how they look in the story.

 This photo is about how they look in the story

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It was few days before a test series. Virat rested and passed the series. Mahi called him before leaving for the matches.

"Cheeku, you know BCCi is holding a tournament next week. They have asked for a coach to join" Mahi said

"Who is the coach, Ravi sir is going with the squad"

"Rahul bhai is going with some other officials. Cheeku I think you should join the tournament. I mean as an assistant"

"Why bhai?"

"You knew BCCI use these trial games for squad selections sometimes"

"Yeah. Isn't that why Rahul bhai and some selectors also join "

"That's right. But I need you to help Rahul bhai with Shikhar. I have a feeling that we can get a new player from this tournament. Most of the players have performed well in the Ranji trophy are also participating."

"What ever you say bhai. I will go with them " Vi agreed and left to see Rahul bhai to confirm his attendance.

"Above all I want you to socialize cheeku. You life is only the bat." Mahi thought.

They reached the ground around eight on the day. There were thirty players in total.

Shikhar started to address them.

"Hey guys good morning. As you see we are representing the national team. I and Virat will be leading you in these four days. We will divide you into two teams. Fifteen for each. Today we can practice and get to know about thins related to skills"

"We want to see the best from you. Don't think these as just a tournament. Try to get something from them" Coach Rahul pointed his hands to Shikhar and Virat.

They divide the plays into two teams. Team A under Rohit, and the team B under Nikhil another player from Rohit's academy.

Ro was talking with one of his teammates. His name was Dhaneesh. He was talking about Virat.

"What is the important of it. I mean yes we can get more knowledge from them. What else."

"Come on Rohit. Are you crazy, I will die if I will be able to touch Virat's hand "

"You are the crazy one. They are national team players. Why you worship them. They are human like us too. I don't understand why people are drooling over some other people while calling them celebrities."

"So you are saying we are not important" They heard Virat's voice from behind. They turned quickly.

"That's not what I meant sir." Ro told him while looking directly in to his eyes.

"What is your name kid?" Shikhar asked him

"Rohit Sharma"

"I agree with you. We are not celebrities. That's why you all should not act aukward in front of us" Shikhar laughed

Vi looked at him not appreciating the fact that he took it as a joke.

"You, team A can practice with Shikhar first. We will swap our positions after the lunch "

They started to practice with Shikhar. They got to know about some of the stories of Indian National team too. Shikki found Ro cute. Yes he does have an attitude. But he is really cute while playing.

"What is your name again?" He asked him

"Its Rohit "

"Ro is easy. You have a great talent Ro." Shikki said while they were on the lunch break.

"Thank you sir"

"Come on stop calling me sir. I feel old"

"Ok paji"


After the lunch it was time for Vi. He was not easy like Shikhar. He was really tough.

"You may have the talent. But its useless if you don't use your brain" that's how he started the practice.

When it comes to the Rohit's turn to bat. Vi gave him aims time to time for more than twenty minutes. They were facing ballers not balling machines. three ballers are continually balling. It was difficult to change the direction with a one call.

Ro gestured the ballers to stop for a moment.

"Tired already. We usually do this exercise for hours " Vi told him. His voice was cold.

"I'm not tired sir. " Ro continued batting.

Vi could see Ro's hands are shaking due to the continuous practicing. There were no space between balls. Vi didn't want to sea Ro's face like this. He stopped the ballers and asked another player to replace Ro. He asked others to practice and left.

"Rohit, you shouldn't have messed with him. He is the next captain after all" Dhaneesh said.

Their first match started next day. Team B won the test and set 250 aim. Ro took 94 runs alone with two wickets. They were able to beat team B.

"I think you should focus more on the bat Ro" Shikhar said.

"Why paji am I not a good bawler?"

"That's not what I meant. wipe out that look from your face. If you give your full attention to the bat, you will make an unbeatable batter in no time"

"Why giving false hope to him Shikki" Vi approached them.

"I don't know if I said something wrong Virat sir. But you are proving my point time to time. I'm going paji" Ro left

"Paji? Wow got a brother did you?"

"Shut up Vi. Why did you tell such a thing to him?"

"You know Shikki. Some people motivate from negative comments. He is one of them"

"But he will hate you"

"It doesn't matter if I can create a better player"

"I'm sorry I don't see the logic"

"Come on. Lets go now" They also left to the hotel.

Next day team A won the match. Ro was directing the players well. His talent was visible to everyone presented.

In the evening Saagar, one of the selectors called Vi and Coach Rahul to the office.

"Why did you call us sir?" Vi asked

"Its about tomorrow award ceremony."

"One more game is remaining what is the problem ?" This time Rahul asked

"Its about the 'champion of the series. We have to give it to Nikhil"

"Nikhil? Captain of team B ?" Rahul asked.

"But sir I though it is Rohit. I mean I was going to inform Mahi bhai and others to consider about his debut in National team too"

"I felt the same. What happened now Saagar ?. He was the best batsman. His balling was also good " Coach asked him

"Its about the organizer of the tournament. There is a huge political backup"

"But its unfair. I know, I also have some problems with Rohit. But it doesn't mean I will let this happen"

"I don't know what to do Virat. I hate it when politics come to cricket."

"Does this mean we have to take Nikhil into the national team too"

"He can if he prove he deserves it. If they try to interfere the national team with these cheap tricks I will show them who I am. But I'm afraid to do that here"

"Why not sir ?"

"We will leave after the finals Virat. But Rohit has to stay. What if they try to do something."

"No.. we cant let that happen. They just want to make him win the championship right?"

"Yes. I think their aim is to prove that is eligible to play for national team. You know every year BCCI selects players from these matches. " Rahul bhai explained

"If you both agree, I have a plan "

Team A won the toss and decided to bat first. They set 280 score to chase. Team B came close to it but lost all the wickets at 275.Team A won the match. Ro was able to score 70.

Award ceremony held in the evening. They all gathered around the stage.

"I think it is you. The player of the match " Shikhar said to Ro as he didn't know what happened with the selectors.


"Stop acting surprised Ro. You got the highest score alone with seven wickets and three catches. And the way you were captaining the team was such a blessing to watch"

"Best batsman of the tournament is going to Rohit Sharma who scored 264 from his bat"

Ro went to the stage and. Coach Rahul gave him a trophy and a meddle.

"Well-done" he patted Ro's shoulder.

"Next the best bawling figure of the tournament goes to... Ayush Arora who took 12 wickets in total"

The plyer went to get the trophy.

"Now the moment of the day. Champion of the tournament. This title goes to..... Nikhil Mehta, for showing great performance while handling the team B as the captain. He got 206 score and 8 wickets in total"

Many of them were surprised. Even Shikhar was upset. Virat saw Rohit's face fells. He couldn't watch it anymore and turned his attention back to the award ceremony. It can be clearly seen that Rahul bhai was not happy with it either. He just gave the trophy and shook his hand fir a second.

"Now we would like to invite Mr. Virat Kohli, deputy captain of Indian National cricket team to share few words with us."

Vi sighed and reached the podium.

"Hello guys, first if all I would like to congratulate every winners who deserves the trophies." He emphasized the word 'deserve'

"Next thing is, I want you to keep your focus more into your skills. If you want to be a part of the national team, you need to improve yourselves. I see that passion in many if you. Don't loss your hopes. Keep chasing your dreams. In no time you will be able to achieve it. Hope to play with you together in near future. Thank you"

They had a small celebration after the match. Rohit didn't feel like joining. He didn't want to see others pity towards him. He was sitting on the staircase near the gate. Vi came out from the gate just then to leave. He didn't join the after party either.

"Looks like what they said is right " Ro said when Vi walked pass him

"What did you say ?" Vi stopped near him

"They said I shouldn't have messed with Indian deputy cap"

"Is that what you think? I have nothing to do with it" Vi felt hurt after knowing Ro thinks that he influenced the decision.

"Whatever you did Virat sir. It was just one title. I will join the national team no matter what " determination could be clearly seen in his eyes. Vi kept looking at them for few seconds.

"Somethings are out of our gasp Rohit. But we should not stop chasing our dreams" Vi said gently and left.

Rohit reached the academy around 7 next day. He should move on and focus on his practice.

He met Nikhil while going to the ground.

"Still couldn't get over your loss?" He asked Rohit

"Leave me. I'm not in a mood to talk to you"

"Damn. It hurts right? These coaches put you in really high possession. See, once national coaches came they identified real talent"

"Talking with you is a waste of time. I can utilize it to practice more"

"I told you Rohit. You should not dream that high. Players like you are fun to watch in gully cricket no in standard cricket"

One of the players came looking for Ro.

" Rohit, head coach asked you to come to his office"

Ro went to the office.

"Sir, may I come in?" He knocked the door.

"Rohit, come in"

Coach gestured him to sit.

"What happened coach ?" Coach's face was serious.

"I'm sorry Rohit. You cannot play for our team anymore."

" what did I do sir? Please tell me did I offend you?"


"Sir please tell me"

"Because you will be playing in Indian National cricket team from tomorrow onwards"

"For whatever I did I'm... wait what"

Coach laughed seeing his expressions.

"BCCI is ready to sign a contract with you"


Hi guys, I'm finally free for two weeks.

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I'm going to write another ICT series. Not about a specific ship. I have some pending requests from you too.

Feel free to give suggetions. There is no one here to judge.

And what do you think about extended version of 'silent heart'. It will be around 10 parts story.

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