Confusion part II

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Thrisha called Vi after done with his silence for days and asked him to meet her.

He got ready and searched for his car keys. He received a message from Harry.


"What ? Oh god this monkey" Vi saw his key is on the AC

He stood on the head rest of the bed to reach there. Ro entered the room at the same time. He wanted to apologize Vi for earlier incident.

"Vi get down right now. You will fell otherwise."

"I need to get the key" He stood on tiptoes.

Ro also climbed the bed and keep his hands on Vi's waist to prevent him from falling down.

Vi lost his balance and they both fell down to the bed. Vi was on the top of Ro. Ro kept his hands around Vi's waist. He didn’t let go of Vi

"I’m sorry for earlier Vi. Its not what you are thinking. Im not hiding many things from you"

"But promise me you will never hide thing from me"

"I may hide things only for your own good Vi" Ro tighten his grip

"Let me go Ro. I need to go out now"

"Wait a bit. You smell great" Ro nuzzled his hair.

"I changed my conditioner"

"Lavender I know"

"Let me go Ro. Hug me any other time" Vi left to meet Thrisha.

Thrisha was waiting for him. He hugged her.

"You smell different " she said.

"Yeah. Its lavender your favorite. Why did you want to meet me suddenly?"

"Take a seat first Virat. We need to talk"

"What’s wrong babe?"
"I think we need to take a break Vi"

"But Thrisha"

"Please Vi, don’t force me to be in this relationship. First you should figure out if you really love me or not." Thrisha got up to left and stopped for a moment.

"Think for a moment Virat. Its not me who like the lavenders' fragrance" Vi was shocked for a moment.

Vi roamed around the city until midnight. He was not heartbroken. Instead he was wondering why he doesn’t feel sad because she left him.

He reached their hotel around midnight. He wanted to sleep beside Ro.

Vi missed the feeling of sleeping near Ro. They used to sleep in one of their rooms. What make it changed? After meeting Thrisha he use to spent time in his room only.

"I’m wrong. I was the one who kept myself away from him"

Vi laid near Ro and keep looking at his face. Ro had a pout while sleeping. Vi touched his face. Ro felt it and open his eyes.

" Vi.. what are you doing here?" Ro asked in a hoarse voice due to the sleepiness.
He thought he was dreaming.

" How does it feel to kiss a boy Ro?" Vi asked him

"Why don’t you find out yourself" Ro whispered.

Vi leaned forward and pecked him on lips.

"Aren’t you cheating on Thrisha?"

"I broke up with her"

Ro closed the gap between them and caught V's lips with his lips. He started to suck his bottom lip. It felt like a drug. He then moved his lips to Vi's neck. But then the kiss stopped.

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