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"I have to go back," Nevaeh nervously told Krystine. She didn't want to stay here any longer, not after her last encounter with Sin. There was something wrong with that man for sure. The way he had touched her- Neveah suppressed a shiver of dread as she recounted their shocking interaction.     

Krystine furrowed her brows and eyed her up and down in suspicion, "Why?" 

Neveah cleared her throat, bracing herself to spew out lies. It was a difficult situation. She knew even if she told her boss the truth, Krystine would only laugh and call her delusional, and even if she believed her, she would do nothing to help her. 

"My granny is all alone there. She needs me. I've finished all the work. You don't need me here anymore. If by any chance something comes up, I will do it remotely like always," Nevaeh explained. That's how it had always been. Krystine had never taken her to foreign locations before and still, they used to work together efficiently despite the distance.

Krystine made a thoughtful face as if she was considering her point. Nevaeh silently hoped she would give her approval so that she could get the hell out of there as soon as possible. 

"Are you trying to escape the cops? Did you really kill him?" Krystine asked, curious. Nevaeh's eyes went round in shock. She vigorously shook her head. 

"No..I didn't kill anyone. How can you.. I didn't even know him..Someone is framing me," she explained in all her earnestness. 

"Your fingerprints were found on the knife," Krystine pointed out, giving her a look of suspicion. Nevaeh had no answer to this. She was clueless too as to how her fingerprints came on the knife she never touched.   

"Someone's framing me," that's all Nevaeh could say. Her eyes filled up with tears of helplessness, her fingers trembling. She was desperate to prove her innocence but couldn't understand how. A lot was riding on her. If something happened to her, who would take care of her granny?

"You are their prime suspect. I can't allow you to leave," Krystine gave her verdict in a dry voice, causing a warm tear to run down her forlorn eye. 

"Please," Nevaeh requested, barely able to hold herself together. How things turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Her life had taken a drastic change in just a matter of a day. She was accused of murder. The gravity of her situation was terrifying. 

"I am not going to risk it. What if you really have killed him? The media will kill me if they found out I helped a murder accused escape," Krystine said and swerved her chair towards the mirror. Nevaeh watched her with gloomy eyes as the actress leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. The fact that she still meant nothing to Krystine even after slaving after her for two years was a bit hurtful.  

"Now fuck off. I have a scene to shoot," Krystine prompted her in a casual voice. Nevaeh blinked back her tears and left the room with a crushed heart. 


The primrose drifted around in the tiny bowl as he gently swirled the water with his fingers. Sitting here for forty minutes, he wasn't able to stop thinking about the girl with blue eyes and honey-brown hair, not after witnessing her dancing in the rain with this tiny flower tucked behind her ear. She looked like an angel descended straight from heaven. In her haste to run away from him, she didn't notice the flower slipping off her silky hair and falling on the wet ground but Sin did. He picked it up and kept it in this tiny bowl so that it remained fresh for long enough.      

The number of times he had imagined her naked since then with only this flower tucked behind her ear? He would put it behind her ear himself and then take her to the bed. After having her on his bed, he will fuck her like crazy. He will fuck her until every petal of the flower in her hair rips into thousand shreds. He wouldn't stop until she caked his bedsheet with her sweet cum. She must taste sweet. Sweet and addicting. 

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