Signing Away

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Sin answered his phone on speaker as he savored his poison. 

"Boss, a girl is asking to see you," his guard informed him.  

"Who is she?" he asked, suspecting her to be one of his flings. He was lounged in the chair, listening to Frank Sinatra.  

"Her name is Nevaeh," the man answered. Sin surged forward from his seat, astounded. 

"Who?" he asked, to confirm. 

"Some girl Nevaeh," the guard repeated. Sin drew in a sharp breath. 

"Escort her in," he commanded before hanging up. Rising swiftly from the chair, he made his way downstairs. The anticipation of seeing her ran high through his veins. He knew she would come around eventually. All she needed was a little push. 

However, Nivi shouldn't have come here, considering Viviana's constant surveillance of his mansion. She had her spies deployed outside his mansion, watching him. But she didn't know he was the master of the game she was playing. No force in this world could restrain him from pursuing his desire. He knew just how to trick her beaded eyes. However, this girl was a different story. She was weak and dumb. He could only hope she hadn't been caught by her spies because if she did then her end was near. 

As he descended the stairs, the massive oak gate swung open, revealing her presence. Their eyes met, igniting a foreign stirring in his chest. Her eyes swollen from countless tears, conveyed her helplessness and exhaustion. She was under his roof, looking at him as if he was the only one who could deliver her from her misery. Which was true. He stood firm and tall as she approached him with her shoulders slumped in defeat. She was clenching the contract papers in her fist.   

She paused a few steps away. A fresh wave of tears claimed her eyes before she dropped to the floor as if drained of life. 

"I don't want to do this, please," she choked out, sobbing. Her head was lowered to the floor as she wailed. In these last three days, she had learned one thing- you can be all nice and kind but if you are not rich- you are as good as a speck of dirt on the road. There wasn't a single hospital left where she didn't beg, not a single authority to whom she didn't ask for help but nobody gave a damn. They swatted her away as if she was a fly. Keeping her nanna home any longer was only going to worsen her condition. She had been given her rude awakening. This world belonged to the rich and rich only. Her sobs turned intense as he advanced towards her. 

Bending forward, he firmly clasped her shoulders. With a gentle yet assertive tug, he lifted her off the ground and helped her stand. The girl kept her head downcast and eyes averted, sobbing like a child. If not for him holding her up, she would have again fallen to the floor.  

Sin studied her countenance for a long moment before gently extending his hand and brushing away the sticky strands that clung to her face. His delicate touch could deceive anyone, creating a false sense of safety and concern.  

She raised her doleful gaze to his. "Don't make me do this, please," she implored both with her mouth and eyes. She would do anything he wanted but this. She didn't want to be his whore. His countenance was soft as he listened to her. Their faces were only inches apart. Driven by sheer desperation to be understood, she clenched the front of his shirt. Her eyes begged with his.  

"I want to live an honorable life. I don't want to be your whore," she explained between her sobs. 

"I..I can't....please..please..I can't do this..I have.." her words were jumbled mess, making little sense. She herself had no idea what she was saying. Desperation was etched across her features, her nerves had gone haywire.   

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