Outside Her Door

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Nevaeh's assessment of her room came to a halt when her gaze landed at a door, across from her bed. Curiosity got the better of her and she made her way towards it. A spare closet maybe? she contemplated to herself while advancing towards it. Grabbing the knob, she pulled at it, only to find it unmovable. Frowning in frustration, she pulled at it again, this time with more force only to meet failure. She wondered what was behind this mysterious door? World of Narnia? She sighed in resignation when she couldn't open the door and traced her steps back to the bed. She plopped down on the mattress only to have her eyes widened in surprise when the bed gave a little bounce beneath her weight. Delighted, she repeated the process and laughed when the mattress sent her up again.      

"Yes, Nanna. I am good and am currently wearing five layers of clothes as you wanted," she assured her nanna while leaning against the railing, right outside her room. The view from here was breathtaking. Distant snowing mountains touching the clouds, streams falling through the creaks between mountains, and vivid green trees, it looked like one of those paintings that kids draw. 

"This place is heaven, Nanna. I feel like I am dreaming," Nevaeh breathed in absolute awe. 

"I am happy you took the trip, Nivi. You needed one," Maria told her. Nevaeh smiled in response.

She talked to her Nanna, roaming around on the balcony. The advantage of having a whole floor to herself was that she could do whatever she wanted. 

Two days passed like this. Contrary to her expectations, the film crew turned out to be quite friendly. Sam had introduced her to other members during the shoot. Everyone had behaved nicely with her except for her own boss who left no chance to remind her that she couldn't have ever been here if not for her.  

Today, they had organized a BBQ. After dinner, she returned to her room. 

She came out of her bathroom, donning her nightie when the sound of rain pelting against the ceiling reached her ear. It's raining. A rush of excitement surged through her at the realization and she hastily tossed the towel on the chair before running out of her room to the balcony. She stood near the balcony, a grin lighting up her face as the wind swept tiny raindrops over her. She lifted her face heavenward and stepped forward to feel the raindrops kissing her face. A shiver ran down her body caused by both thrill and cold. It was freezing outside and she was standing in the thin fabric of her long t-shirt that reached her mid-thigh. 

A wild gust of wind got caught in the luscious waves of her honey-brown hair, followed by a flurry of rain that feathered down on her face, eliciting a giggle from her. She closed her eyes, her breath deepening as she felt a wicked raindrop caressing a sensual path down her throat to the valley of her breasts. She didn't consider herself a romantic person but in the rain, all her indecent fantasies bursts out like a wild animal from its cage,running a rampage through her veins. Her longing for a man grows incredibly- so much that her insides clench with need. 

Those silver eyes flashed behind her vision all of a sudden, fueling her desire even more. She imagined that stranger's hot mouth in place of the raindrop, kissing its path down to her hard achy nipples, teasing her along the way. The mere thought of it had her gasping for breath. A sweet ache fluttered in different parts of her body. Her nipples strained against the fabric of her nightie. She parted her moist lips, her chest rising up as she pulled in a much-needed breath. Burning with need, she wrapped her arms around herself, causing her lumps to push up against her neckline. Her raindrops-adorned bosom rising and falling with each breath she took. Tantalizing. 

The clouds roared above and she opened her eyes. Her gaze dreamy and full of longing as she stared off into the midnight sky. That enigmatic stranger had her aching for him in just one meeting. How come? She had no idea why she felt so drawn to that stranger. It felt as though there was an invisible string between them, pulling her towards him. But how? They had met just once and in that too, she hadn't seen his whole face. The attraction was relentless. She wondered if he thinks about her too. She hoped he does. She hoped they meet again. And she really really hoped he wasn't in a relationship or worse married.     

"Please, make us meet again," she whispered to the sky. The sky responded with a bolt of lightning, illuminating her surroundings. Nevaeh froze in terror as she caught a silhouette of someone standing not far from her from the corner of her eyes. Someone is here? The girl immediately broke into cold sweats. She sharply turned her face in the direction of the silhouette only to find no one there. But she swore she had seen someone there just a second ago. Her eyes darted around the corridor but there was no one. 

"Who...who's here?" she asked loudly, feeling her heart in her throat. When her question went unanswered, she mustered up all courage she could find and made hesitant steps toward where she believed the silhouette was standing. It couldn't be a figment of her imagination. She saw someone standing there for sure. 

"Come out. I saw you," she tried again, her voice wavering with dread. Her legs were begging her to turn around and hide in the safety of her room. Ghost? Was it some ghost? She vividly remembered locking the door to this floor. Then how can someone enter it? 

She gulped, her panic growing with each passing moment. This time she listened to her brain and turned around for her room. After coming inside, she immediately locked the door behind her and climbed up her bed. With a pounding heart, she pulled the cover over herself and hid under it.

"Maybe I imagined," she tried to make herself believe but her brain refused to accept it. She was certain it was some person or maybe some ghost. But there was someone for sure. 

Hiding under the blanket, she couldn't notice a shadow creeping into her room from under the door, getting larger and larger. Someone was standing outside her door.   



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