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Nevaeh punched her blaring alarm close and sat up, groaning. She had just slept, and it was already time to get up. The whole night she had stayed awake, too alert to fall asleep. It was only after the sun came up, did she surrender to exhaustion. Fortunately, nothing odd had followed that incident, at least none that she was aware of. Maybe she did make that up. 

She climbed down the bed and stretched her body before dragging her feet towards the bathroom to get ready for work. In moments like these, she wished she was a billionaire. 

"Write this up by EOD and mail it to the media only after receiving confirmation from production. Now shoo..leave," Krystine instructed Nevaeh while applying the third coat of lipstick on her lips. Krystine had to write a declaration for the media, announcing her collaboration with Volkov Productions. Nevaeh supervised all her interviews and statements, so naturally, the task fell on her shoulders. Nevaeh nodded in response before making her way out of her makeup room.

Nevaeh sat down in a chair and started on the work.

Shooting began two hours later, and Nevaeh was back on her feet to assist Krystine with the shoot. The shooting days are always chaos with crews pumping with energy- shouting and running around to get the work done. This production's crew was the least serious people Nevaeh had seen. She liked their easygoing, carefree attitude and it also made her feel comfortable around them. Honestly, it didn't even feel like they were shooting, it just felt like they were picnicking. The set retained an amiable energy which Nevaeh liked a lot. Today's shooting had started on the same usual note but after lunch, the relaxed air of the set suddenly turned solemn when the news of Mr. Volkov visiting the set spread around. 

From director to spot boy- everyone started acting as though a stick had been pushed up their backside. The director had already scolded Sam thrice for being a lazyass, Krystine and the other actors had managed to get ready even before their scene which in itself was a miracle, the floor manager was spitting instructions to his subordinates to tidy up everything. Everyone was exhibiting their best behavior since the news of his arrival. It turned out Nevaeh wasn't the only one who found him frightening. 

The moment finally came when Mr. Volkov graced the set with his commanding presence. The moment a sleek black Cadillac rolled into their vision, the director dropped everything and rushed toward it. Nevaeh's eyes popped out in admiration for the car. The vehicle had a personality of its own.   

Soon, the car smoothened to a halt and the director opened the backseat's door. The familiar face of Mr. Volkov emerged from inside, attracting attention like a magnet. She heard several gasps of admiration rippled through her surroundings but wasn't surprised a bit. Who wouldn't be dazzled by such a striking face- chiseled jawline, straight nose, prominent cheekbones- such a manly appearance that could make any woman blush like a teenager. Raw and rugged- he was greatly favored in the looks department. She couldn't understand why would he- with a face like this- keep away from cameras. He must have received a lot of movie offers. She bet he had tatts too underneath those branded, crease-free clothes. Nevaeh had seen many movie stars and politicians in her life but none possessed a personality as powerful as his. This man's force of personality was truly unrivaled. 

They had crossed paths several times but she was yet to see his eyes. Even today, he was wearing shades, accentuating his rather distracting jawline. 

His gait regal and confident- not at all bothered by the judging eyes of people around him. Nevaeh would have melted into the ground. The director had adopted a subservient role as he walked Mr. Volkov towards the chairs, briefing him about the shooting. Krystine joined them shortly. Her haughty boss tamed to a fangirl now. 

As he sat down on the chair, he turned his face away from the director and towards the crew members. Nevaeh noticed as he angled his face to the other end of the crowd as though searching for someone. Slowly, his head turned in Nevaeh's direction, her gaze shot down instinctively. She waited for a few moments before she timidly raised her gaze only to experience a sudden jolt in her heart as she realised he was looking in her direction. Was he though? She blinked owlishly, wondering if he was looking at her. His impassive, stoic countenance gave no indication of his thoughts, confusing her even more. After an inner debate, she decided he wasn't looking at her, he was just looking in her direction while concentrating on the conversation at hand. She was standing in his line of vision anyway. We all do that sometimes. Shaking off the thought, she averted her eyes to other people. 

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