Empty Feelings

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She woke up groaning in pain. Her body was hurting all over, as if a roller had run her over. Every limb pulsated with discomfort and her every muscle felt sore. Moaning in pain, she opened her eyes to the ceiling. The same ceiling she had spent staring while he...... her vision blurred with tears as the memories from last night rushed back. She felt robbed. He took away her honor. She turned her face to see him but found his place empty. His clothes were missing too. Her destroyer had left after ruining her life.  

A sharp pain shot up her core as she moved to sit, jolting her out of her melancholic thoughts. The tears trapped in her eyes finally broke free, wetting her cheeks as they cascaded down. Her eyes reflected profound sorrow as she recalled her undoing by him. She was ruined. 

After crying for a while, she wiped away her tears and sat up despite the pain. The room was in disarray with her clothes lying on the floor, with splinters of a glass vase scattered on the floor beside the bed. She couldn't recall its fall but then again she was barely in her senses to register anything. Half of the cover was dangling off the bed. Just one glance and anyone could tell what had transpired on this bed. The beast wasn't satisfied with one time. He took her the whole night. She pleaded with him to stop and let her rest but he didn't. 

Her scrutiny came to a halt on a pill sitting atop a piece of paper. Reaching out, she took the pill, knowing it was for pregnancy prevention, and gulped it down with a glass of water. 

Her eyes popped out in astonishment when she caught her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She was stark naked and her neck and shoulders were punctuated with giant purple hickeys. Tears welled up in her eyes as she assessed them. That freak had left a giant "S" on her upper chest with his hickeys. It started from below her collarbone to the top of her left breast. These marks were the testimony of her ruination. Sad and angry, she yanked his pendant off her neck and ended up bruising her neck. 

Tears didn't stop falling down her eyes as she washed and scrubbed herself like a maniac. Her skin turned raw and red but her obsession with cleaning herself didn't falter. She wanted to rub his touch off her cells. But when she couldn't do it anymore, she threw away the scrubber and collapsed on the floor. Angling her face up, she howled and cried. 

The caretaker was already in her room when she came out of the bathroom. She gave her a thorough glance from head to toe, examining her closely with her slitted eyes. Her gaze lingered on the hickeys across her shoulders for a longer second. Feeling self-conscious, Nivi draped her arms around herself and lowered her gaze. 

The caretaker dropped the tickets along with her phone on the bed. 

"Your flight to the US is in three hours...," the caretaker eye-pointed towards the ticket. She shifted her cold gaze to her and added, ".... the lawyer is downstairs. He wants to have a word with you."  

Nivi's brows furrowed in confusion. She had no idea which lawyer the caretaker was referring to. Sin hadn't told her anything about any lawyer. Then where...... it clicked her suddenly. Maybe it had something to do with the murder case. Sin had promised he would clear her name once he had what he wanted. She gave the caretaker a nod and followed her down to the hall. 

As she had suspected, the lawyer was her for the murder case. He told her that she was now free of all of the accusations. The news indeed brought tears to her eyes. How many times had she cried in the last few days and this was the only time when she was crying out of relief? The accusation had felt like a sword dangling over her head. She blocked the voice in her mind reminding her of the price she had to pay for this.

On her way to the airport, she received a message from her bank. Someone had deposited 5 million in her account. She would have gone crazy with happiness after seeing the message, she would have called it God's blessing if the circumstances were different. But here, all she oculd muster was tears. Five million was the cost of her virginity.

She had received countless messages and calls from Chloe and her grandma over the days. However, she didn't open them, let alone respond back. She had no will to talk to anyone at this moment. Everything felt forced, even the breath she was dragging into her lungs felt too much of a task.  Why did he do this to her? What had she done to him to deserve this? These rich brats possess no heart. They don't hesitate to ruin someone's life for their short-lived fun. Sin had lived up to his name. He was just that. A sin. 


Mikhail swung open the door and burst into his office, startling the woman giving Sin a blowjob under the desk. However, she got back to sucking his semi-erect cock. Sin fixed Mikhail with a solemn look. 

"Can we talk in private?" Mikhail asked, looking serious. Sin commanded the woman to leave them alone. The woman reluctantly got up to her feet and left but not before sending a flirtatious smile Sin's way. Mikhail pulled out a chair across from him and sat down in it. 

"What got up your pants?" Sin asked Mikhail, smirking. 

As soon as the door shut, Mikhail leaned forward, his eyes expressing his displeasure.  

"You transferred 5 million to Nevaeh's Hayes' account," he prodded. Sin's smirk dropped and features hardened. His eyes darkened with menace. 

"What made you think you can question me?" he gritted out. 

Mikhail's expression sobered. A glimmer of fear lit up in his eyes as he begun to explain himself. 

"I am not questioning you. I am just saying an innocent girl like her has no place in our world. I know why you stayed so long in Switzerland. She is no.."

"I don't need moral fucking lessons from you. I'll do what I want and no motherfucker will question me," Sin cut him short in his low, dangerous voice. He was glaring down at Mikhail. He wasn't used to taking lessons from others nor he had tolerance for it. 

Mikhail let out a sigh and put up his hands in surrender. How could he forget his friend was a dictator who listens to none.  

"Alright. I won't say anything on the matter. Just stop looking at me like that," Mikhail said. 

"Get out," Sin instructed. 

"What? I told you I won't as.." he clamped up at the sight of Sin pointing his gun at him. 

"Leave," Sin commanded, not in the mood to take his shit. Mikhail, gripped by disbelief, got up to his feet and left. 

As soon as the door closed, Sin set down his gun on the desk and leaned back in his chair. He closed his eyes and her face flashed. He hadn't been able to take his mind off her since the night. Her softness, her delicate body wrapped around him, the way she fit so well- the memories were making him restless. It was fucking up his mind. Something inside him still wanted her. Wanted to relive those moments and relish the feeling of her soft skin rubbing against his. 

"Get the fuck out of my head, Butterfly," he grumbled, frustrated. She wasn't letting him work.

A message arrived on his phone, snapping him away from his reverie. The message was from his stepbrother. 

Grandfather wants to see you. 

It read. Sin would have ignored the message if it wasn't about Matteo. He had huge respect for his great-grandfather. When everyone was abusing him, he was the only one who supported him. Back then, he was just as powerless as him against his stepmother so he hired a trainer in secret to train him. If not for him, he might have died long ago. 


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