Her Room

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Krystine smirked smugly as Navaeh read the mail to her. It looks like Sin Volkov too couldn't resist her charm. Or why would he bother to produce a wholeass movie for her? She just had received a movie offer from Volkovs.       

"Clear all my schedule. I am taking up this project," Krystine commanded, still smirking in triumph. It looked like the world's most sensational love story was going to take shape very soon, Krystine thought to herself. 

"But ma'am you have.."

"You heard me. Clear.All.My.Schedule," Krystine repeated, stressing on words while leveling her with a stern glare. Nevaeh nodded. 

Krystine doesn't think twice before leaving movies in the middle but it is Nevaeh who has to survive the onslaught of curses from her producers. 

Damn Hasting and damn his killer, her interview was canceled indefinitely because of that.

 "Umm...Nevaeh, it looks like you are also coming to Switzerland with me. Morrison is asking for your passport details," Krystine announced, her eyes skimming through the text. Nevaeh was surprised to hear it.  

" I don't think I can go. I've some other commitments," Nevaeh lied, suspecting she would have to pay for her tickets.  

"They will bear your travel expenses," Krystine told her. Another twist. No production house before had ever even offered to bear her expenses and that's the reason Krystine left her here every time she flew out. It was a strange yet tempting offer. But despite the allure, she had to refuse for her granny. 

"I have to look after my granny and so..."

"Stop making up excuses. Send me your details. You are going with me," Krystine decided for her. 

"But ma'am..." Krystine silenced her with a stern look. Nevaeh sighed. She hoped the shoot wouldn't last for too long. 

"You are such a miser, Nevaeh," Krystine commented, leaning back in the chair. Nevaeh suppressed an urge to scoff.

"I learned from the best, ma'am," words flew out of her mouth on their own. Her eyes grew wide when she realized she was loud. Krystine's features contorted in annoyance. 

"What did you just say?" Krystine demanded, shooting a scathing look at Nevaeh. 

"Nothing, ma'am," Nevaeh shook her head and made a dash for the door before her mouth put her in another trouble. 


Nevaeh was excited. Her first foreign trip and that too to Switzerland? She couldn't believe her luck. This perhaps was the only good thing that had happened to her after getting a job with Krystine. Her job sometimes drove her to the wall but it was a blessing, a divine intervention for there was no way she could get to be an assistant to an actress at such a young age without requisite qualifications. She doesn't know why Krystine chose her; she had said she liked her obedient nature. Whatever the reason was, she was glad she got the job. Nevaeh might hate her job sometimes but she cherished it a lot for it was keeping her and her granny alive.

Her awe-struck gaze measured the expanse of the plane that they were going to board. It looked so gigantic from up close. 

"Ma'am," the pilot greeted Krystine with an appreciative smile and gestured with his hand for her to climb up the plane. Nevaeh who was right behind Krystine quietly followed her boss up the stairs. A shriek escaped her when she suddenly tripped on of the steps. However, before she could spiral down the stairs, her hand reflexively took hold of the railing. But the damage was done. Everyone was now looking her way, including Krystine. Nevaeh bit down on her lip and slowly rose to her feet, embarrassed. 

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