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"Let me go...I want my granny..please, leave me," the 13-year-old boy, huddled in a small cage, pleaded between his desperate sobs. After screaming constantly for hours, his voice had gone scratchy. After abducting him right from his house, they forced him into an animal cage as if he wasn't a human. The boy had been crying non-stop since then, petrified to his core. Driven by anguish and fear, he crawled forward on his trembling hands and knees, gripping the Iron bars. His grey eyes reflected utter despair as he dared to gaze into the eyes of the woman who gave the vibes of an evil witch.  

"Please, let me go," he pleaded, his pleas muffled by his overwhelming emotions. They had ripped him apart from his granny and sister. Now surrounded by dangerous-looking strangers, he didn't who they were and what they wanted from him, he just wanted to go home. 

The woman's footsteps echoed like claps of thunder in the dim-lit hall as she approached him. Her beady eyes held cold menace. Sin immediately released the bars and curled into himself, frightened by her sinister grin. Indifferent to his condition, the woman rested her hands on her knees and crouched low to scrutinize him more closely. Her eyes sparked and she took a deliberate drag of her cigar.

The boy broke into a fit of cough as she exhaled the smoke in his face.    

"You have my husband's eyes," she noticed smiling, however, her tone carried no warmth. Sin lowered his eyes, scared of her.  

"But the rest is your whore of a mother," she added in loud disappointment. 

"Let me go," he mumbled, too scared to raise his voice in front of her. 

"Are you scared?'t be scared. I am also your mother. I mean no harm. Promise," the woman cooed, insincerity dripped off her words. They failed to placate Sin. 

"I want my granny. I don't want to be here," his voice trembled between his sobs. He didn't like this woman. She was acting all sweet but there was a devious glint in her eyes. He could feel her animosity towards him. He wanted to go home.

"Listen, boy, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to. Nothing would give me more satisfaction than crushing your little skull beneath my heels but do you see me doing that? You see, we'll have to get along to save my empire," Vivian coached him in her honey-coated voice. Now with her husband dead, their enemies were out to tear Volkovs apart and seize their power. Her sons were too little to ascend the throne and so she intended to place Sin upon the Volkov's throne as a mere figurehead- even though he was her husband's bastard, he was also the heir of Volkovs- while she groomed her own sons to assume true power. Sin would serve as a temporary ruler, a puppet under her thumb until her sons were prepared to inherit. And the day her boys will be ready, she'll crush Sin right under her thumb. Plain and simple. Another wave of terror washed over him as her words sank in. His frantic eyes flickered around in search of an escape. 

"Ain't you a wimp for a Volkov?" Vivian chuckled in derision and added, "Don't worry, I'll set you free as soon as my boys are ready to take over." Sin's innocent mind couldn't comprehend the real meaning behind her"setting free." 

"Now, hush. Stop crying. This is your rebirth," she instructed him. Her eyes lit up with a vicious glint as an idea occurred to her, "Let's mark your new beginning," saying that, the woman extended her thin hand through the bars of the cage and pressed the scorching end of her cigar against his chin then dragged it up his jaw, branding him with the mark of his new existence. Sin screamed through his raw throat as the pain seared through his flesh while the woman chuckled. Soon his vision was dotted with black spots and he passed out. 

He drove his knife out of his victim's abdomen with practiced ease, causing the caretaker to bend over in agony. He instinctively opened his mouth but didn't dare scream as Sin hated loud noises.   

"Don't bleed on my floor. Clean it and get out," Sin eye-pointed toward the blood that had spilled on the floor while wiping his knife against his victim's shirt. He may like to spill blood but he can't stand them staining his floor. 

The stabbed man kneeled while cupping his wound to keep it from spilling. He cleaned the floor with his clothes meanwhile, Sin picked up his wine and began sipping on it, looking out through the window. The caretaker had it coming for neglecting his duty. He had strictly told him to keep an eye on his butterfly but he failed.

The caretaker apologized before bowing and limping his way out of his office after getting no response. Sin was too lost in his thoughts to pay him heed. 

Will she say yes tonight? The anticipation sent tingles racing down to his groin. The desire to explore her body, inch by inch, consumed his thoughts. He reminisced about the memory of her delicate body caged within the embrace of his arms, a moment of burning intimacy he longed to savor again. The softness of her body had ignited a fire within him. He was dangerously close to pulling her pants down and spear her on his cock. 

His cock twitched at the thought of having her soft walls wrapped around him. He'll trace his fingers along her bare back while fucking her from the front. He'll have her kiss his scars. She'll lick and suck them with her little mouth all the while taking his fierce pounding. Mere the thought of having her writhing under him was enough to drive his senses wild. Unknowingly, he tightened his grip around the glass until it shattered in his hand. The splinters fell off his hand but he was numb to their pricks.     

She better submit to him or he'll bring down hell on her. 


It was all her Karma. She was being punished for her sins. No one can run away from their past and she was not an exception. 

Nevaeh was broken both physically and mentally. A snarling pain had gripped her muscles. The cruelty of that deranged freak knew no bounds. He doesn't even hesitate to kill. She had witnessed him slaying her assaulters. The way he fired bullets into their head, it was evident he had mastered the art of killing. His threat hadn't stopped ringing in her ears. People like them have no emotions and no moral compass. He wouldn't think twice before killing people around her. What should she do now?      

Nevaeh was hurting all over; from both inside and out. It had been three days in this haunting basement and no one had come to rescue her. Does the world even care if she is alive or not? Has Krystine reported her disappearance? Sam? She was begging for God to show her mercy and deliver her from this never-ending torture. 

After three days of rejecting food, she finally succumbed to the gnawing ache in her stomach and ate. The foul smell of death had poisoned the air but she still ate.  

Those three bodies were now half-rotten. Flies hovered around them all day and at night, the rats would gnaw on them. It was an absolute hell. She feared if she stayed here any longer, she would lose her mind. Why did she ever cross paths with that lunatic? 

Suddenly the door unbolted, setting her nerves on edge.  


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