New House

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This apartment even surpassed Krystine's in terms of lavishness. Equipped with every luxury, the interior boasted splendor in every detail, from intricate carvings on the roof to exquisite art pieces gracing the shelves. Ornate lamps were installed on the vibrant walls to create a sensuous atmosphere when needed. Every corner of this apartment exuded sophistication and class. However, she felt nothing but hatred towards this place. No matter how fancy, it was still a cage. The circumstances that had led her in here would never let her admire its beauty.

She was escorted by Mikhail to what was going to be her bedroom.

"This is your bedroom," Mikhail stated, gesturing around with his hands. The room was dreamy, to say the least. There were stars hanging off the roof, the wall behind the bed was adorned with fairy lights, opulent furnishing adorned the room. There was a shelf crammed with stuff toys, and the door to the balcony was framed by flower vines. It had everything she would have wanted in her room. She felt as if she had walked into her dreamland.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Mikhail remarked before turning towards her.

"Sin was very particular about this room's design," Mikhail's eyes held a tinge of curiosity as he studied her from afar. Sin had indulged in several flings. And dare he say, all the women he had been with were much prettier than her. Yet she was the only one who had received the best gift of all from him; his time. His typically reserved friend had never before delved into such gift details for a woman as he understood the importance of time. However, this time the man had spent hours designing the room for her. The fact was both astonishing and alarming.

He could see why she caught his interest though. Despite their limited conversation, he had sensed a gentle spirit within her; unmarked by the harshness of the world. Her eyes reflected her pure, untainted soul and her sweet demeanor spoke of her tender heart. She had an air of innocence about her, a rarity in a world filled with lies, deceit, and betrayal. It was beyond him as to how Sin managed to find her as she lived beyond, way beyond their world.

He also pitied this woman. She was like a delicate flower who needed nurturing and protection while Sin was a raging storm who only knew destruction. This woman was too fragile to endure his intensity, too vulnerable to withstand his force. Sin worked in extremes; either he remained unbothered or he immersed himself completely in it. He knew no middle ground. He could only hope she survives him.

"The designer was close to quitting because of his constant interference," Mikhail added, stealing another glance at her. Surprised flickered across her countenance upon hearing the revelation. She met his gaze, unconvinced.

"Did you like it?" he questioned.

She responded with a sad smile and answered, "My likes and dislikes don't matter."

"It's not like that.." he trailed off, not sure how to answer. It was true anyway. A momentary silence followed.

"Feel free to contact Sin if you feel in need of assistance. You have his number. Call him only on that. No one should know about you.....umm this arrangement," hesitation rang in his voice. She nodded, already feeling tears pressing against the back of her eyes. She was his secret mistress. 'A dirty laundry" to be precise.

"You have full ownership of the house. The kitchen is fully stocked. Cook whatever you want and the wifi password is 1186," he added.

"Am I allowed to see my friends and Nanna?" she asked, wringing her hands together. She needed to see them to tide over her miserable days. She caught a hint of sympathy in his eyes before he masked it away.

"You are allowed to see whoever you want as long as you keep this arrangement a secret. You'll not talk about Sin to anyone..for your own safety," he answered, his expression was dead serious. She nodded in agreement.

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