Nevaeh Hayes

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Nevaeh wished she could also experience Monday blues like others but for that one needs to have their weekend off- a luxury that she can't afford. Lucky are those who get to snuggle with their pillow and sleep in on weekends. For her, it was just a far-fetched dream. 

People often assume being an assistant to a film star is a cool job, but if only they knew the truth. She has been slaving under Krystine Abbey- the Oscar-won lead actress for one and half year now and she is yet to find anything cool about it. This woman keeps her on her toes from morning till night. If not for her granny, she would have quit long ago. Even her salary wasn't cool. No one would believe her if she told them that the owner of this gorgeous face is a tightwad. Every time she broached the subject of raise, Krystine would count her thousand reasons why she should be happy that she hadn't kicked her out yet. 

Clutching the pipe, Navaeh got on the bus. A sharp pain seared through her stomach as she pushed up reminding her of her mensuration cramps. She really wanted to take a day off today and rest, but tightwad can't wake up until she drinks Nevaeh's coffee. A total lie. If she was so addicted to her coffee, she would take her on her international trips too, but it looks like her waking problem is limited to LA only. Luckily, Nevaeh found an empty seat on the crowded bus. Dancing in her head, she quickly made her way towards the seat and claimed it before anyone else could. Her stomach was hurting anyway. She looked around and found everyone staring ahead with a long face. Some had earplugs stuffed in their ears while others were staring out the window. No one looked happy. No one was excited or even remotely thrilled about the day. Their 

She faced towards the window and saw luxury cars swooshing by her window. Her eyes followed some of them wistfully until they disappeared down the road. Some people are so rich. She wondered what do they do with so much money. Don't they get bored of being rich all the time just like she had gotten bored of being poor? Things would have been so much better if she was rich too. Her granny wouldn't have to suffer so much. Her mood took another dip as she thought about her granny. Her grandmother was her only living family and she didn't want it to change anytime soon. She was diagnosed with cancer; one of the reasons she had to quit her study and work.

She emerged out of her thoughts when the bust halted at a bus stop. A pregnant woman climbed onto the bus along with a other few passengers. Neveah watched the woman as she stood, holding up her stomach. She looked around, hoping someone would offer her a seat but when no one did she called her and offered her to sit on her seat. Ignoring the painful cramps in her stomach, she got to her feet and stepped away from the seat. The lady flashed her a grateful smile while taking the seat. Neveah smiled back, momentarily forgetting about her pain. Making others smile always gave her immense joy. 

Upon the arrival of her stand, she got down. The pregnant lady also got down on the same stand, however, she didn't notice her as lots of people had gotten down on the same stand. Neveah was about to look away from her when the lady suddenly reached under her shirt and ripped out a round cushion, leaving her stunned. Her swollen stomach deflated in an instant revealing the lady had faked pregnancy to get a seat on the bus. And she fell for it. A mix of emotions surged inside Neveah- anger at being deceived and self-pity for falling for the ruse. Before she could contemplate confronting the woman, the trickster disappeared into the crowd.

Neveah quickly punched in the passcode and opened the door. Like always, the lavish apartment was dead. She turned on the lights, illuminating the spacious living room, and made her way to the kitchen not prepared for what was awaiting her. As she entered, the smell of stale beer and cigarettes hit her nostrils, making her scrunch her nose in distaste. Her face twisted in disgust upon noticing the untidy state of the kitchen. The place was in shambles with dirty dishes flooding the counter. Empty beer bottles and ciggeratte butts were scattered around the room. The floor was stained with spilled beer, and a pink pair of panties lay haphazardly on the stove, causing her to double over and retch in disgust. Who gets intimate in the kitchen? She couldn't help but feel bad for her maid. The poor woman was going to be traumatized for her life. 

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