Healing Process

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Murmurings roused Nivi from her slumber but she didn't open her eyes. She pretended to be asleep while hearing him talk to someone. 

"It will take at least 3 weeks for her to heal," the woman, who she presumed was a doctor, informed. 

"I want her healed in one week," the finality in his voice left no room for argument. Nivi resisted the urge to curl her legs to her chest and hide herself from him. 

His command was met with a momentary silence until the doctor spoke up.

"Physiotherapy will speed up her recovery process. I'll arrange for a session tomorrow," the doctor replied tentatively. 

"I must leave. Do call me for further assistance," she added a moment later in a warm tone. Her cordial proposal was met with silence. A moment later, Nivi heard her retreating footsteps and in no time the clicks of her heels faded into dreadful silence. Now it was only then in the room. 

Nivi pressed her eyes shut and waited for him to leave as well. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel his presence looming large, casting an intimidating aura across the room. The room's temperature had dropped several degrees, influenced by the cold air that surrounded him. She could feel chills in the air, penetrating its way to her very bones. 

Her insides began to contort into a knot as his footsteps drew closer. Cold sweat broke out across her nape, her instincts begging her to flee but she remained still like dead. He stopped next to her. His cologne invaded her personal space first before his large shadow darkened the back of her lids, prompting her heart to do a backflip. He was hovering over her; most probably looking at her. 

A light caress fluttered down her jaw, leaving a pink hue in its wake.

"Open your eyes. I know you are awake," his whisper tender and coaxing as he called her bluff. She didn't obey.  

His knuckles trailed up to her ear and gently traced the curve of her ear. 

"Your ears are scarlet and hot. Either you are excited for what is about to come or....." his voice trailed off as he leaned in slowly, his breath grazing her ear. He reveled at the sight of her ear turning redder. The fact that his presence had an effect on her gave him an odd satisfaction.  

"....scared," he whispered, making her whimper in response. Her reaction prompted a smirk on his face. She was so easy to scare. 

Her glassy eyes parted open, terror evident in them. The moment their gaze met, a strange yet irresistible longing to see his reflection in her beautiful, haunted eyes gripped him, making him bend closer.  

"Please, no," she mewled weakly but he silenced her by pressing his finger on her chapped lips. 

"Ssshhh.. " he shushed her, intently focused on her eyes. She blinked in confusion. 

"Don't blink," he instructed in a whisper. She blinked again out of habit.

He pinched her lids and pried them open to their best capacity. She yelled and struggled to break free. 

"Keep annoying me and I'll dig out your eyes right this moment," he threatened, not in the mood to indulge her bratty behavior. She slowed to a still. 

"Please," she pleaded piteously but he had long tuned her out. Her lids were hurting. She was certain he had ripped half of her lashes. 

He watched as tears quickly filled her eyes and felt annoyed for they blurred his reflection in them. 

"Don't fucking cry," he scolded harshly, causing more tears to flood her eyes. 

He gritted his teeth, vexed by her disobedience. A foreboding expression hung across his chiseled features, prompting her into action.

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