Strange Feelings

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On his way home, Sin again caught himself thinking about her. It felt as though she had woven herself into the very fabric of his thoughts, and no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't able to shake it off. Everything around him reminded him of her. The morning sun mirrored the warmth of her radiant, warm smile. The stars in the sky glowed like her luminous eyes. The gentle rustle of winds reminded him of her sweet laughter. He had heard her laugh only maybe once or twice but that was enough for him to realise that she had an alluring laughter. He was convinced that nature was conspiring against him or perhaps she had put him under some spell. He wakes up in the morning with a craving to kiss her fuller lips. And no matter how many women he fucks, he sleeps in the night, unsatisfied. It was so unlike him. He fucks and moves on. Then how come is he still stuck on her? 

He had a hunch that the reason she was still on his mind was because this was the first time he had allowed a woman this close to him. Her warmth was comforting, her embrace didn't feel like a cage. He had kissed her, ate her, bared his scars to her- something he hadn't done before. It was all a new experience for him. It was beyond him as to why he showed his scars to that woman who can't even defend herself against a cockroach. She was too naive, too unworldly to grasp the story behind his burn marks. She was just too unversed for someone like him. 

He was determined to forget her, though. Women of her status looked good on his bed, not in his thoughts. He had no space for women in his life. 

The resolve was followed by curiosity. He wondered what she must be doing right now. Lost in thought, he took out her chain from his pocket and looked at it. It was still a mystery to him as to why did he not give it back to her. 


"Good Morning, sir," a familiar masculine voice reached Sin, making him look up from his plate. There stood Colin, smiling widely at him.  

"Sit down," Sin nodded towards the chair, without returning his smile. Colin pulled a chair and sat down instantly. Colin was one of those very few people who considered Sin an angel and not a devil. Every person has two sides and he was lucky enough to see his less cruel one. He had protected him against his psycho parents and funded his education. He didn't do it without a reason of course. Colin had once rescued his sister from getting under a truck. His sister had just started crawling then and his mother was too depressed due to her break-up to look after her. 

Colin had disappeared after that only to return many years later, battered and beaten. He reminded Sin of the incident and that was enough for Sin to take him under his wing. He sheltered him under his roof and when he was old enough, he sent her to one of the finest schools. He made sure he lived a good life all because he once had saved his sister. Sin had only a few people to love and he loved them immensely. 

Since then, Sin has become a hero in Colin's eyes. He aspired to be like him- unbreakable, indomitable, fearless. He had insisted on working for Sin after finishing his education. Sin took him in and assigned him as his PA for he trusted him as much as he trusted Mikhail. He has been staying with Sin since then, well because, Sin never asked him to move out so he didn't. 

Colin had just returned from Rome after supervising a shipment.

"Everything went smoothly. The party has even requested another shipment," Colin informed him, a tinge of excitement in his tone. Sin didn't mirror his excitement, in fact, he barely gave a reaction. Colin immediately ceased to laugh and adopted a brooding expression, similar to Sin's. He aspired to have a tough demeanor like Sin.     

"Raise the price," Sin responded after wiping his face with the napkin. He had his breakfast.

"Yes, sir," Colin replied with a polite nod. Sin rose to his feet. 

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