His Mood Swings

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Nivi spied a glance at him and sighed in exasperation upon finding his eyes still on her. Three days and he hadn't moved from this apartment nor had he allowed her a moment of peace. He was acting crazy like always but this time his craziness was different from his usual craziness, if it makes sense. She had no idea he would make such a big deal of her monthly cycle. He was treating her as if she had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. 

"I am okay," she answered his unasked question, an edge of irritation to her tone. Only did he shift his gaze away from her and get back to his office work. She shot him an irritated look and wondered if he had specialized in "irritating people" instead of business. 

"I can feel a hole boring into my handsome face with your staring," he commented, eyes steadfastly fixed on the screen. She immediately averted her gaze, color suffusing her cheeks. She wasn't staring, she was glaring but who was going to tell him?

"It's okay though," he shifted his gaze from the screen to her. A hint of smugness in his expression, "I know you can't help it. I am just too handsome. You are allowed to stare," he added, with a cocky grin. She resisted rolling her eyes. 

"I wasn't staring," she refused rudely. "I was just wondering......." she trailed off. He raised a brow in question. 

"What were you wondering, butterfly?" he prompted, curious to know what was going on in her head. 

He was too free for a businessman. She wanted to ask him how and in a very insulting way but she bit back on her tongue and tried framing the question in the most polite way.  

"Ain't you.....You seem to have a lot of free time in hand for someone who runs a multi-billionaire company," she disclosed in a quiet voice. He smirked. 

"I am very much touched by your concern for my company," he responded, smirking. 

"Come here," he added next, putting her on edge. Her eyes turned wide. 

"I..I am sorry," she apologized thinking her question had ticked him off. 

"Come here," he asserted, dismissing her apology at once. Her face fell. She reluctantly got down from the bed and dragged her feet over to where he was. 

As she came closer, he caught her wrist and gently drew her onto his lap. Now they were face to face.  

"I abandoned my schedule to be with you and you think I am free," he remarked, grazing her lower lip with his thumb pad. She gave him a look of bewilderment. 

"When someone makes themselves available for you, it doesn't mean they are free. It means they prioritize you over their other commitments," he continued, his gaze flickering between her eyes and slightly parted lips. 

" Why?" she questioned. It was beyond her as to why he was prioritizing her over his work. An unfathomable smile touched his lips. 

"Because you need me," he answered. Her expression turned to one of frustration. 

"I am not dying," she told him in case he didn't know. The way he was acting around her, it surely felt like she was on the last leg of her life journey. 

His gaze hardened. 

"Even death can't take you from me," he declared possessively. The sudden shift in his mood left her both shocked and scared. His gentle grip around her jaw tensed.  

"You belong to me, Nevaeh. Only me," he asserted darkly, meaning each word. He wouldn't allow, not even nature's interference, between them. She swallowed. She was death scared of his this side. He was too possessive of her and she didn't like it. It made her doubtful if he would set her free one year later or not. 

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