Seeing Her From Afar

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"Get down," Viviana snapped at the sight of Sin standing over her late husband's grave.  

Sin turned his gaze towards her and smirked as he noticed her eyes narrowed in anger. 

"Mother. What a pleasant surprise," Sin commented, making no move to get down the grave. Her frown deepened. 

"Get off right now," she demanded, annoyed. 

"Relax. We don't want another grave just yet, do we?" Sin put his feet on his tombstone only to vex her more. The words "Rot in Hell" inscribed onto the tombstone made it stand out from the rest. Sin had inscribed them with his knife.

"Out of all the sins he committed in life, you are the worst of them all" she spat, her glare- searing as a scorching rod- aimed at him. Sin remained indifferent. 

"That's true. I am indeed worst for you and your spawns," he agreed. 

"Your days are numbered, Sin. The day I get my hands on your family, you will be finished," Vivian declared, voice seething with venom. 

They were his only weakness and she was determined to find them. Even if they were hiding in hell, she'd get to them. 

Sin's features hardened into a deadly expression, his smirk vanished. With predatory strides, he stalked towards her. Vivian's tough facade began to waver. 

"The day you lay your burnt hands on my family will be the day you'll witness your entire bloodline turning to ashes," he warned, his tone laced with danger.

A hint of fear flitted through her eyes but she stood her ground. 

"How delusional of you to think they would love you after knowing the sins you've committed....that they'll want you after knowing how many lives you have taken. They wouldn't accept a criminal as their family?" she spat, contempt loud in her remark. She knew her comment would pierce through his defenses. Even if it didn't hurt, it would at least make him feel a sting. 

A muscle flicked in his jaw. Taking it as her victory, she continued. 

"Poor little Sin, looking for love and family, not realizing the trash always remains a trash. No one loves a bastard born out of rape. You are unwanted, rejected. You are an abomination- just as abhorring as the scars covering your body," she taunted, donning a sardonic grin. She stepped closer, regarding him with pure disgust, "and you know very well that nobody loves scars." 

After saying her piece, she walked around him to pay tribute to her dead husband, leaving a seething Sin behind. His fists clenched tightly just like his jaw. 

Despite countless women throwing themselves at his feet, Sin had never felt wanted. He had always been loathed and abused for merely existing which got only worse as he grew up. This feeling of being unwanted had embedded itself deep into his psyche by his mother and had been reinforced time and again by the countless sufferings he was put through for no reason. He had everything a man could dream of- looks, power, money, status, and yet the feeling of being unwanted never left him. So yeah, Vivian's remark about him being unwanted hit close to home.     

Sin ordered his driver to get out and sat behind the wheel. His knuckles clenched, turning white against the steering as he drove aimlessly. 

As his car came to a halt in front of a certain bakery, the raging storm of fury within him, slowly began to dissipate. He wasn't surprised to end up here. She had a calming aura, and in dark moments like this, he always found himself drawn towards her.   

His eyes fixated on the bakery's entrance in the hope of catching a glimpse of a certain face that he so longed to behold. There were still two minutes left of her shift. If he was lucky enough, she would come out soon. Leaning back in his seat, he patiently waited for time to pass so that he could behold her beautiful face again.

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