Beating Heart

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As soon as Nevaeh entered her room, her eyes caught a large jar of butterflies sitting on her nightstand.

"What the.." frowning, she made her way towards the table and picked it up. There were many colorful butterflies trapped inside the jar, their wings flapping frantically against the glass walls of their captivity. Turning the jar around in her hand, she examined it. The butterflies inside were unlike any she had ever seen before, with patterns and hues that were otherworldly in their beauty. She didn't remember keeping it here. Then who did? The thought caused alarms to go off in her head. Someone had broken into her room. In her absence. Dread throbbed inside her as she scanned her room for any signs of an intruder. Her eyes darted from corner to corner but couldn't catch anything out of the ordinary. But it wasn't enough to quell her unsettled nerves.   

She marched over to the window, opened the jar, and released the butterflies. 

She was feeling a sense of unease in her guts. It was clear her safe space wasn't safe anymore. Someone had broken into her room in her absence. It was baffling considering only she had the key to her room. Maybe someone else has a key too. She decided to raise her concern to the caretaker. 

The caretaker waved off her concern by saying only she had the key to her room. Nevaeh requested him to change her room but again he refused. She tried to convince him that someone had broken into her room but to no avail as she had no evidence to back her claim.


The stormy sky above wiped out all hopes of continuing with the shoot today. And as the shooting was put off until tomorrow, the crew decided to hit a club in town and enjoy. However, Nevaeh chose to stay home as she didn't have a fondness for parties and her tight budget didn't allow her to splurge on drinks. So she bowed out of the plan and decided to spend the rest of her day in solitude. Nothing odd had happened in the last two days but that didn't mean she had let her guards down. The girl had made it a point to keep a knife underneath her sheets always. 

She was finishing one of her pending works when a loud rumbling of clouds startled her. It was going to rain soon. She quickly rose from her chair and made her way to the window. Soon the rhythmic sound of raindrops tapping on the roof filled her surroundings and she could feel the chilly gusts caressing her face. Her lips curved upwards into a smile and she directed her gaze toward the sky where giant gray clouds chased each other. Nature at its best. A cold gust carried raindrops in through the window, making her shiver.

The urge to dance in the rain seized her. Her bones ached to get out and feel the rain. The urge was too strong to squash.

She quickly marched out of her room, knowing no one was at the villa right now. Clattering down the stairs, she stepped out in the rain. Her cells blossomed like flowers the moment the first raindrop made contact with her skin. It was too cold but at the same time undeniably thrilling. She entered the front garden and marveled at the sight of raindrops bouncing off the leaves of bushes and flowers. Her eyes settled on a cluster of primroses which looked all the more beautiful in the rain. Upon reaching the bushes, she ran her fingers along the soft petals, admiring their texture before plucking one and placing it behind her ear. 

A sense of exhilaration washed over her as she angled her face upward, spread her arms wide, and took a slow spin around. Her heart was at peace, her senses rejuvenated. There is something very refreshing about rain. She loves rain just as much as she loves spring.

She twirled without a care, feeling the rain sliding down her skin and soaking into her dress. The fabric of her dress had begun to stick to her soft curves. She closed her eyes and let her thoughts run wild. If only she had someone to share this moment with. If only he was here. She couldn't help but think about the man she had met in the elevator. His wild grey eyes flashed behind her lids, causing a stirring of longing in her heart. Her smile turned shy. 

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