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A couple hours have passed and Kara was sitting in her office researching for her newest article when her boss called for her. "Yes Snapper?" Kara asked. "Miss Grant wants you!" The balding man stated. Kara nodded and headed off in the direction of Cat Grant's office. The CEO sat behind her large desk with here glasses perched on her nose when Kara knocked on the glass door. "Oh! Keira! Come in! Come in! I have a special assignment for you!" She stated. "Ok Miss Grant, what is it?" Kara asked.

"I want you to do an exclusive interview with the CEO of L Corp! Lena Luthor!" Miss Grant stated. "Are you sure?" Kara asked. "Yes! She's expecting you to be in her office in fifteen minutes! GO!" Miss Grant snapped as Kara ran out of the office and back to her office to grab her bag before heading to the window and flying off into the sky. A few seconds later she landed outside the L Corp building and made her way inside. After going through security and getting her 'visitors' badge she made her way up to the highest part of the building where Lena Luthor CEO was.

"Hello! I'm here to see Miss Luthor." Kara told the woman who sat behind the desk. "You must be Miss Danvers! Yes she's expecting you!" The woman replied. "Oh ok...please call me Kara...." Kara replied. "Of course, my names Jess Miss Luthor's office is right through that door." Jess stated pointing to two large glass doors. "Ok thank you Jess!" Kara replied as she walked towards the doors just as Jess let Lena know she was there.

"Come in!"  Lena called from her desk. Kara opened the door and walked through before her eyes met the green ones of the woman she met at the coffee shop earlier that same morning. "Kara!" Lena exclaims as she gets up from her chair and heads over to hug the blonde. "Lena....your the CEO I'm supposed to interview?" Kara asked as they pull apart. "It would appear so. Let's sit down over here on the sofa and we can get started. Would you like a water or anything?" Lena asks as they walk towards the sofa. "Oh no, I'm ok. But thank you anyways." Kara replies with a smile as she sits a cushion away from Lena.

"Well...let's get this interview started shall we? What's your first question?" Lena asks as Kara gets her recorder out. Fixing her glasses Kara begins the interview with her first and most important question. "What is it that makes L Corp different from when it was still Luthor Corp?"

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