Half way home Liam fell asleep in his car seat. "I'm glad thats over with." Lena says. "Mmm me too." Kara replied with a sad smile. Lena reached over the car seat and took Kara's hand in hers and gently squeezed it. The remainder of the ride home was quiet and they quickly pulled Liam out of his car seat and brought him back upstairs. "We leaving the seat in the car?" Kara asked. "Yes. It makes sense this way that way when we go somewhere like appointments it'll be ready. And we have the spare ones in our family car and the other in the closet for when Eliza comes down or Alex or Sam want to take him out" Lena replied.
Once Liam's in his play pen Kara and Lena order some lunch for themselves and settle on the sofa together. Lena leaned into Kara's arms as they watch a movie. "He did so good today." Kara whispered. "Yes he did...his mommy was a little worked up though..." Lena replied teasingly. "Hey! It's my right to be worked up! He's our first born child! Maybe after a few more are born I won't be so worried...maybe.." Kara replied. "You less worried...right..." Lena replied laughing. "Hey...shush..." Kara replied laughing at her wife.
Once their food arrives they quickly dig into while Liam continues napping off his horrible morning at the doctor's office. However half way through their lunch Liam does wake up whimpering so Kara who's almost finished with her food goes and picks him up and returns to the sofa. "Hey sweetheart! Did you have a nice nap?" Kara cooed. Liam just looked at her with his bright blue eyes.
"Are you hungry sweetheart?" Lena asks looking at him. Liam makes a face in response to his momma asking this question. "I'll take that as a yes." Lena replied with smile as she prepares herself to start nursing.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.