For the next few days the newlyweds spent their time in the vila not daring to go out to eat after Lena got sick the other night. Kara's been doing the majority of the cooking since Lena's still not been feeling well. "Hey beautiful...are you feeling better?" Kara asked as she sat a bowl of fruit down in front of Lena. "No...I got sick again this morning three times." Lena grumbled. "Do you maybe want me to get you a pregnancy test?" Kara asked. Lena shot Kara a look. "You don't's so soon." Lena whispered. "Um...maybe we should head back to National City and go to the DEO." Kara suggested. "No..not yet, go get a pregnancy test and I'll take it...depending on what it says then we'll consider going back." Lena said. "Ok...will you be ok here alone? Or do you want to go?" Kara asked her voice full of concern. "I'll go with you. We'll just have to go slower than normal." Lena replied. Kara nodded as they headed off to get ready.
A little while later they're returning to the vila with multiple pregnancy tests in hand. "I'm gonna drink some water and get ready to pee on a stick." Lena stated with a half smile. "'s gonna be ok no matter what it says. I'm gonna be by your side no matter what happens." Kara reassured. "I know...and I love you for you want to be in the bathroom when I do it?" Lena asked. "If you want me to be there." Kara replied. "Of course I want you in there. Someone's gotta hold my hand while we wait two long minutes." Lena jibed. "Ok..ok..I'll sit on the floor and hold your hand." Kara replied. "Good, now to drink my weight in water." Lena grumbled.
After almost a gallon of water Lena ran to the bathroom with Kara on her heels holding the bag of pregnancy tests. "Heres one." Kara said as she opened the first one handing it to Lena. " goes nothing." Lena replied. Six pregnancy tests later they were waiting for the timer to finish. "I hate waiting." Lena whispered as she nuzzled her neck into Kara's neck. "Me too love...but it's almost time." Kara replied rubbing Lena's back.
The sound caused their heads to snap up to the bathroom counter. "You look...I can't." Lena whispered. Kara extended her arm and grabbed the pregnancy tests. "Ok...close your eyes..." Kara whispered. "Just tell me." Lena demanded. "Test one: positive, test two: positive, tests three through six...all positive..." Kara whispered. Lena's face paled as she clung to Kara's shirt. "We're gonna be parents..." Lena whispered. "Yea..." Kara replied. "You don't sound happy Kar..." Lena replied looking up at her. "I am happy...I just thought it'd take longer to get here...Rao! We're gonna be moms!" Kara exclaimed. "We're gonna have a baby!" Lena yelled tears streaming from her eyes. "WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!" Kara yelled out loud. "I'm so happy." Lena whispered as she kissed Kara's lips. "Me too Lee!" Kara replied with a smile.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.