The first two weeks with Liam home were crazy for the new parents. Kara would get up most nights and feed him with the bottle while Lena slept, and in the mornings Kara would sleep in while Lena got up with him. When Kara would wake up she'd make breakfast for her and Lena while Liam slept in his swing. Eliza would take care of her grandson while the women did some work from home or were off at the DEO working on Lena's powers. Today however was Saturday and the new mothers had nothing planned other than to spend the day at home with Liam and Eliza.
"Breakfast is ready." Kara called from the kitchen. She had made breakfast burritos for everyone along with coffee and orange juice and salsa. "This looks wonderful. Thank you darling." Lena said as she sat down at the table. "Where's mom?" Kara asked. "She's changing Liam. She said she'd be down in a bit." Lena replied. "Oh ok. So what would you like to do today love?" Kara asked. "Just this...just spend time with everyone here....and maybe nap..." Lena replied. "A nap sounds good. Our son is a late night party person...even supergirl is exhausted." Kara joked.
After a few minutes Eliza join them at the table. "He asleep?" Lena asked. "Yes, he's sound asleep." Eliza said. "Good...we're go take a nap..." Kara replied. "That's ok with me. I'll do the dishes and take care of him while you two get some rest." Eliza replied. "Thank you Eliza." Lena said. "Anytime girls. Now go on get some rest." Eliza cooed as she picked up the dishes and headed for the sink.
Lena and Kara fell into their bed and it wasn't too long after they started cuddling that they fell asleep. Eliza did up the breakfast dishes, cleaned the living room and vacuumed the penthouse all while Lena, Kara and Liam slept. A few hours later Kara and Lena were fresh from their naps and showers and were thanking Eliza again for cleaning the place up. Liam was in his swing again watching some cartoon on the television when they got to the living room. "He's been fed, and changed and washed up." Eliza explained. "Thank you again Eliza." Lena said. "Girls, you don't need to thank me it's what I volunteered for. I know how hard it is being a new parent." Eliza replied.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.