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"Kar..I think I'd rather stay in tonight...and can we order pizzas and maybe have Sam and Alex come over?" Lena asked. "Of course we can love. What kind of pizza would you like?" Kara asked. "Well...Hawaiian does sound good...and maybe some garlic bread sticks....and some pepperoni and sausage pizza with um...cheese crust?" Lena asked. "Anything else sweetheart?" Kara asked. "Hmm? Maybe some chocolate lava cake? If they have it.." Lena whispered. Kara nodded and grabbed her phone ordering four pizzas, four sides, extra ranch, marinara, and garlic sauce, and six chocolate lava cakes, then she invited Alex and Sam over for a alcohol free girls night in.

Alex and Sam arrived at the same time as the food did. Kara was bringing out drinks when they came walking in holding the food. "Hey guys! Set it down on the coffee table. Here you go Lee, one strawberry lemonade." Kara said handing Lena a large cup. "Thank you darling." Lena cooed as Kara took a seat next to her. "Since when do you order Hawaiian pizzas?" Sam asked as  she opened a box. Lena suddenly burst into tears! "It's...it's...because of me!" Lena sobbed. "Hey it's ok Lee..it's ok. Sam was just curious. Come here darling, sit down and have some, no one's gonna say anything about it anymore." Kara said glaring at Sam and Alex who nodded. "I'm sorry...it's my damn hormones..." Lena groaned as she sat back down next to Kara. Kara continued rubbing her back for a moment before fixing her up a plate with pizza, breadsticks and a couple packs of sauce. "Eat darling, it's ok now." Kara whispered.

After that everyone began eating the pizzas. "So...um? Have you guys found out the sex yet?" Alex asked. "We go next week to find out." Kara replied as Lena nodded as she at another piece of pizza. "What are you hoping for?" Sam asked. "A girl." Kara replied. "A boy." Lena replied. "Well...as long as they're healthy I really don't care what we have." Kara admitted. "I'll just be happy to finally meet my niece or nephew." Alex replied. "Me too!" Sam replied. "How's your pizza love?" Kara whispered to Lena. "Good. Wheres the cake?" Lena asked. "Fridge, want me to grab you one?" Kara asked.

"Not right now... later..." Lena replied. "Ok.." Kara said. "So when do you two take your time off?" Alex asked. "In one week. We're both leaving for the next several months. We both want to be with the baby after they're born." Lena replied. "Oh well, you won't have anything to worry about either of you. Alex will handle supergirl stuff and I'll handle L Corp." Sam stated. "Thank you Sam." Kara replied with a smile.

A few hours later Sam and Alex left for home and Kara and Lena headed to bed. "Today was fun Kar...thank you for this." Lena whispered as they settled in bed. "Anytime darling. Anytime...let's get some sleep now my darling." Kara whispered as she kissed Lena's cheek.

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