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"Ok! I think that's all my questions. I'll just see myself out. Thank you for your time Lena." Kara states. "Oh? Do you have to leave so soon? I can have Jess order us lunch if you're hungry." Lena exclaims trying to get Kara to stay longer. "Uhmm...ok why not!" Kara replies with a smile. "What would you like? Name anything, it's on me!" Lena replies. "Oh...that's ok...I can pay.." Kara begins. "Kara! I insist! Now tell me what you want!" Lena demands. "Ok...ok... I'll have two steak and cheese subs." Kara states. "And to drink?" Lena asks. "Umm chocolate shake." Kara replies. "So two steak and cheese subs and two chocolate shakes! Got it! And I'll have a kale salad, extra croutons and dressing on the side, and I think I'll have a strawberry milkshake too." Lena tells Jess who takes the order down. "Oh and Jess, get something for yourself too!" Lena adds. "Yes Miss Luthor!" Jess replied as she left the room.

"We may as well sit back down and wait." Lena suggested as she ushered Kara to the couch. "So? Do you usually leave your phone at coffee shops? Or was that just today?" Lena asked. "Oh...um no that was just a today thing. It usually doesn't happen. I'm usually better at remembering it." Kara replies with a smile. Lena didn't know how to respond to this so she smiled at the blonde. "It's probably because you were running late to work." Lena replied while continuing to smile. "Probably..." Kara replied looking at her watch.

Looking back up at Lena she saw how the brunette was looking at her and it made Kara suddenly feel nervous. Their eyes locked on to one another as two invisible magnets were pulling them together. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as they leaned into each other. However just before they could close their eyes and kiss Jess knocked on the door letting them know that their lunches were here. As the door opened the two women jumped apart and pretended to act casual. "Thank you Jess! You can put it on the table." Lena stated with a smile.

Kara watched Jess put the bags of food down on the coffee table and leave quickly. Kara averted her eyes from Lena now who was doing the same thing. "Well...we might as well eat...I presume you'll have to get back to write the article." Lena says with a sigh. "Uh...yea..." Kara replies as she takes one of the sandwiches from the bag at the same time Lena grabs her salad. Their hands touch and sparks shoot up their arms.

Kara looked up at Lena who was staring back at the blonde. Swallowing hard Kara leaned in towards Lena who leaned in towards Kara. Slowly they met in the middle pressing their lips to each other.

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