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One week later they were both off work for the foreseeable future. Today they were curled up on the sofa talking baby names. They just found out that they were having a baby boy and now they needed to think of names. "How about Jordan?" Lena asked. "Hmmm I like it...let's add it to our ever growing list. What about Hugo?" Kara suggested. Lena wrinkled her nose up at that. "No?" Kara asked. "No. Ohhh what about a K name? Like umm..Kai?" Lena suggested. "No...oh um how about Liam..." Kara suggested. "Liam.." Lena let the name roll over her tongue for a moment before looking at Kara. "Liam...Jeremiah Danvers-Luthor! It's perfect!" Lena exclaimed happily. "It's settled then! Hello Liam Jeremiah!" Kara cooed as she rubbed her hand over Lena's stomach. "I think he likes his name." Lena cooed.

"Are you hungry?" Kara asked a little while later. "Yea...what do we have to cook...oh maybe some strawberries and peanut butter...and a glass of orange soda." Lena pouted looking up at Kara. "Ok love, I'll go cut some up for you. Do you want ice? Or no ice?" Kara asked. "Two ice cubes only." Lena replied. Kara nodded and headed to the kitchen to cut up strawberries and get a dish of peanut butter and two ice cubes along with a glass of orange soda for her wife. "Here you go love." Kara said as she handed Lena the stuff. "Thank you love. Aww you even put little plastic swords in them so I don't get my fingers dirty." Lena cooed. Kara smiled at her as she sat down on the sofa next to her putting Lena's feet on her lap.

After Lena's snack and Kara's foot rub Lena fell asleep. Kara pulled her phone out and scrolled through social media however she's interrupted by Lena's legs moving around as if she's uncomfortable. Carefully Kara moves off the sofa and gently picks up Lena in her arms and carries her to their room laying her down on the bed and quickly stripping off her sweatpants and covering her up with a blanket. "Rest well love...if you need me I'll be out here." Kara whispers as she places a kiss on Lena's cheek before leaving the room.

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