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As they ate dinner Kara's mind raced with their previous conversation about engagement and marriage. 'Is that where this is heading?' She asked herself as she looked up into the loving green eyes of her girlfriend. "What are you thinking about?" Lena asked. "What makes you think I'm thinking about something?" Kara asked. "Cause you have your thinking crinkle." Lena stated. "Dang it! I'm gonna get that thing fixed!" Kara groaned. "So you were thinking about something weren't you?" Lena asked again looking at the blonde. Letting out a sigh Kara nodded. "I was thinking about our conversation earlier." Kara admitted. "Oh? Do you not want to get married? Have children?" Lena asked.

"It's not that I don't want it. I do, I just don't want to rush into anything, ya know?" Kara admitted. Lena nodded slowly before replying. "I understand darling. I don't want to rush it either, however since we are on the topic how many children would you want?" Lena asked sipping her wine. "I don't know two, three maybe. What about you?" Kara asked as she took a bite of her food. "Three would be nice, however four would be better. That way we'd have an even number." Lena replied with a smile as she watched as Kara's eyes grew wide at her words.

Finding her voice again Kara looked up at her girlfriend. "Four kids? And you want them with me? Why Miss Luthor, it's gonna take more than this nice dinner to get me pregnant...especially when we aren't even properly engaged. What will they say in the papers? 'Kara Danvers knocked up out of wedlock! Lena Luthor said to be baby 'daddy'!'" Kara stated causing Lena to laugh. "Oh Miss Danvers, you think so little of me...I intend to wait till you and I are properly wedded before we start reproducing little Danvers- Luthor's." Lena replied with a smirk.

"Ohhhh? You just know I'll take your last name?" Kara asked jokingly. "But of course darling..." Lena cooed as she collected their plates and headed to the kitchen to put them in the dishwasher. 'You're gonna be the death of me Lena...oh...but what a way to die...' Kara thought to herself.

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