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Finally their last day came an end the ride back to National City was a short one filled with talk of the upcoming wedding in a few weeks. "Are you two nervous?" Sam asked. "Nope." Lena replied. "What about you Kara?" Alex asked. "No way." Kara replied. After stopping for lunch they made it to National City and unloaded Kara and Lena's things before going to their places. "That was the best bachelorette party ever." Kara stated. Hands on her hips Lena looked over at her fiancé. "And it better be the only bachelorette party you attend unless it's for Alex and Sam!" Lena growled. Kara burst out laughing before she pulled the dark haired woman into a hug. "Oh darling you are so adorable when you're all jealous. Now come on my love let's check our mail to see who's RSPV'd to our nuptials." Kara replied.

There was a large stack of envelopes in Kara's hands when she returned from the lobby. "Wow!" Lena gasped. "I know! I didn't think we'd have so many responses. I mean we just sent them out not too long ago." Kara replied. They spent the evening going over everything and double checking everything, making sure everything was as it should be. "Ok! Looks like everything is in order." Lena stated. "Good. Now where are we spending our honeymoon? We never did discuss that much." Kara asked.

"What if we spend it on a secluded beach...that way I'll be the only one to see you in a bikini...or nothing..." Lena growled. Kara's face turned tomato red at the thought. "You know...once we're bonded either of us can get pregnant really easily." Kara whispered. "Is that a challenge Miss Danvers?" Len asked smirking. "Maybe it is Miss Luthor." Kara replied. "Oh my darling Kryptonian it is on...so very on...on our honeymoon I'll make sure you're the one who winds up pregnant first." Lena growled as she pulled Kara into a kiss.

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