Sometime in the middle of the night Liam woke up screaming. Kara jumped out of bed and headed to pick him up. "Shhh now sweetheart, mommy's still sleeping. Let's go warm up some milk and walk around the house." Kara cooed as she carried him out of the nursery. Liam babbled as he lay in Kara's arms. Kara grabbed a bottle of milk and put it in the bottle heater and continued swaying left and right trying to keep her son calm down. 'Ding!' The bottle warmer went off and Kara began feeding him. "There we go! That's momma's big boy!' Kara cooed.
After feeding and burping Liam, Kara quickly changes his diaper before heading back into the nursery and signing him to sleep. "You will grow big and strong prince Liam Zor-El...under Rao's light you'll become sweet little boy..." Kara was singing in Kryptonese to him unaware that Lena had woken up and was now standing in the doorway. Liam finally fell asleep and Kara had placed him in his crib when Lena spoke up. "Hey sweetheart!" Lena whispered. "Lee! Did I wake you?" Kara asked. "No love, I had to use the bathroom and I heard you singing." Lena replied.
"He woke up, hungry and needed a new diaper." Kara said as she followed Lena back to their room. "What was that you were singing to him?" Lena asked. "An old Kryptonian nursery rhyme. It's about how he'll grow up big and strong under Rao's light." Kara replied. 'It sounds beautiful." Lena cooed as she lay in Kara's arms. "Get some sleep love." Kara whispered as she kissed Lena's forehead before she took shut her eyes and let sleep over take her too.
Later that morning Lena woke up to Karas arms around her waist. Smiling to herself Lena ran her hand over Kara's arm. "Mmmhmm...Lee..." Kara whispered. "Kara?" Lena asked with a smirk. Kara didn't respond instead she moved forward and kissed the dark haired woman's lips.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.