Kara returned to her office a few minutes later and quickly sent Lena a text stating she was back and was ok before sitting back behind her desk and began typing on her computer. Just as she began proofing her article her phone rang. Looking at it she saw Lena was calling her. "Hey Lena! What's up?" Kara asked. "Just wanted to see how the article was coming along. And to let you know that my friend and her daughter are in for the trip. I just need your address for later and to know what food you'd like me pick up." Lena stated.
"Lena you don't have to bring food, I was gonna order it after you got here." Kara replied. "Oh..well how about I bring some wine then." Lena replied. "Ok...I'll be right there! Sorry Lena, I have to go...meetings and all. I'll text you my address." Kara replied. "Ok go get em tiger!" Lena's response made Kara blush as she walked towards the meeting room. Kara took her seat next to her other coworkers and began listening to Miss Grant's ramblings.
The meeting lasted only fifteen minutes which gave Kara plenty of time to text Lena her address, and finish proofing her article before sending it on to Snapper. All she could do now was wait for Snapper's decision on her article. Pacing back and forth in her office she let out a huff as her phone vibrated alerting her to a text message. Slumping down into her chair she pulled her phone out of her pocket to see it was Lena again. A smile appeared on Kara's face as she opened the text message.
L- "How'd your meeting go?"
K- "How'd you know I was out of it?"
L- "I have my ways. Your place isn't far from my work."
K- "Are you stalking me Lena?"
L- "Hmmm...maybe..."
K-"I don't know if I should be worried or intrigued about this..."
L- "Definitely intrigued. What time do you get off work?"
K- "Five...why? Plan on coming over to my place early?"
L- "Perhaps...or maybe I was just curious. Can't a girl be curious?"
K- "Of course you can be curious. And you can come early...I know that's what you're wondering."
L- "Why Kara! You know me so well already and we just had one date."
K- "Like you Lena, I have my ways. I'll see you after work."
L- "Sounds like a date!"
K- "Perhaps it is...only one way to find out..."
L- "And prey tell what is that way?"
K- "Well...I could tell you...or you could use that brain of yours to figure it out.."
L- "Hmmm...I think I've already figured it out...I'll see you later Kara."
K- "See you later Lee."
Lena sank into her chair and let out a long breath she'd been holding in. "Kara Danvers what are you doing to me?" She asked herself with a smile on her face.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.