"THEY'RE ENGAGED!" Alex screamed out loud showing Sam the picture of the ring on Kara's hand. "OH MY GOODNESS!" Sam squealed with delight. "She did it! She actually did it!" Sam exclaimed. Alex grabbed Sam as they began dancing around Alex's living room. "Wonder if they told Eliza yet?" Sam asked. "Oh definitely!" Alex replied with as smile. "I can't wait to tell this story at their wedding!" Sam said. "Let's go celebrate with them." Alex said as she pulled the other woman out of the apartment.
Meanwhile in Kara and Lena's place they're on a video chat with Eliza showing off the engagement ring. "Congratulations you two! Lena...welcome to the family!" Eliza replies happily. "Thank you." They both say. "When are you coming down?" Kara asked. "I'm thinking next weekend maybe we can have your engagement party then?" Eliza replies with a smile. "That would be wonderful!" Kara replied with a smile so bright that would make the sun jealous. "I'll call Alex and see what we can do. I'll talk to you ladies later!" Eliza calls as they hang up the call.
The two women fall back against the sofa together. Lena lays against the back of the sofa and suddenly feels something hit in the back. "Ouch! What the?" She asks reaching her hand back to grab a box. "What's this?" Lena asks. "Open it and see." Kara replies. Lena opens the box to reveal two velvet boxes. Smiling to herself she opens the smaller one. "Kara! You were thinking the same thing...and I beat you to it...I'm sorry darling. How long have you been hiding this?" Lena asked as Kara put the ring on her left hand. "Oh about two months. This bracelet belonged to my mom. My birth mom. It's the house of El's crest. They sent me here with both hers and my father's. They're bonding bracelets. You don't have to wear it if you don't want..." Kara was cut off by Lena kissing her lips. "Of course I want to wear it darling. Do you wear your father's?" Lena asked. Kara pulled up her sleeve revealing her father's bonding bracelet.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.