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They spent the rest of their honeymoon celebrating that they were becoming parents. "Let's not tell anyone till we get doctor confirmation." Lena stated. "Alright, that works for me." Kara replied. Today they'd be going home. They weren't exactly looking forward to it, but they did want to find out if they were pregnant by a professional. They were no heading to the airport to get on the jet. "I'm gonna miss it here." Kara sighed. "Me too. But we can come back." Lena replied.

The jet ride was quiet, with them sleeping most of the time in the attached bedroom. By the time the jet landed in National City Lena had been sick about thirty times, all while Kara stayed by her side making sure she got to feeling better even for a minute. "Lee..love...we're home." Kara whispered as the car pulled into the underground garage. "Humph..." Lena groaned. Kara had the driver take their things upstairs for them while Kara carried Lena up. "Thanks Rob!" Kara said. The man just nodded in response and left quickly. Kara carried Lena into their bedroom and got her into some comfortable clothes before doing the same for herself and joining her wife in bed.

In the morning Kara was woken up to the sound of Lena getting sick again. She rushed into the bathroom and held Lena's hair back and rubbing her back. "I think....we should go to the DEO...instead." Lena whispered. "If thats what you want love, I can have Alex meet us there." Kara replied. Lena nodded slowly as Kara helped her stand up. Kara helps Lena take a shower and get dressed before getting dressed herself.

The trip to the DEO is short and thankfully Alex is waiting for them. "Whats up?" Alex asked. "We need you to do an ultrasound on Lena." Kara explained. Alex's eyes grow wide with excitement. "Ok!" Alex replied as Lena lays down on the exam table and pulls her shirt up. A few long minutes later the three women all see and hear the second heartbeat inside Lena's abdomen. "You're pregnant!" Alex exclaims. "Yea....this just was to confirm it." Lena replied. "Don't tell anyone Alex. We want to wait till everyone's together to tell them."Kara replied. "I wouldn't dream of telling anyone. I'm just happy I'm gonna be an Auntie!" Alex replied with a smile.

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