Two months and four hours later Liam Jeremiah Danvers-Luthor was brought into this world. At eight pounds, and twelve ounces he was a happy and healthy baby boy who was currently nestled in his mother's arms. "He's absolutely perfect." Kara whispered as she stood beside the bed admiring him. "Yes he is..." Lena replied. "He's got your nose and your hair." Kara whispered. "And your eyes." Lena replied as blue eyes popped open. "You're the perfect blend of your mommy and me huh...yes you are." Kara cooed.
Alex, Sam and Eliza were in the waiting room when Kara came out to bring them back with her. " your grandson Liam Jeremiah Danvers-Luthor." Kara said. Lena passes him over to Eliza who has tears streaming down her face as she takes in his bright blue eyes and his tuft of jet black hair on top of his head. "He's precious." Eliza cooed. "Isn't he though...a perfect blend of Kara and myself." Lena whispered sleepily. "Get some sleep darling. You did wonderful today." Kara whispered as she held Lena in her arms. Lena nodded slowly as she snuggled into Kara's arms.
Liam got passed around to Sam and Alex before he was returned to his cot for the night. "We'll be home tomorrow afternoon." Kara said. "Ok, we'll have some of our friends meet us at the penthouse." Alex said. "Not too many, I don't want Lena overwhelmed." Kara replied. "We know Kar...we know." Alex replied. "I'll make sure they don't go too wild, and don't worry about food, I'll make that for everyone." Eliza said. "Ok, thank you mom." Kara replied.
After everyone left for the night Kara remained in bed curled up with Lena in her arms. Gently she pushed a strand of hair from Lena's face before she relaxed in bed. Still holding on to her beautiful wife Kara soon let sleep over take her too.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.