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Alex and Sam came over with champagne and pizza in to Kara and Lena's place to celebrate the engagement. The elevator dung letting the woman know that someone was here. "They're here..." Kara groaned. "Come in guys!" Len called out as they walked into the door. "Hey engaged people!" Sam exclaims happily. "We brought champagne and food!" Alex called as she sat the boxes of pizza on the coffee table. "Well you can stay...only because you have food." Kara replied with a grin. "Congratulations sis! I can't wait to be the best woman at your wedding!" Alex stated. "Who said I'd be picking you Al? I could go with Sam.." Kara replied. "You wouldn't dare!" Alex groaned. "Of course not! Now sit and let's eat!" Kara said as Lena and Sam joined them on the sofa.

The four woman sit and eat their pizza and talk about ideas for the wedding. "Well...we're thinking maybe have it close to Midvale, someplace quiet with a nice view." Lena stated. "Oh that would be nice!" Alex added. "Yea, that way it would be far enough away for the city but yet close enough so that everyone could still make it." Kara added. "So...does that mean we can plan the bachelorette party?" Sam asked with a grin on her face. "As long as theirs no strippers!" Kara and Lena said together.

"Got it! No stripers! What about a wine tasting in California?" Alex asked. Lena and Kara shared a look before turning to Alex and Sam. "That would work!" Kara replied. "Even though you can't feel the effects?" Lena asked. "Of course! It'll still be nice to see the sights..and walk the vineyards with you...at sunset..." Kara replied with a smile. "Oh get a room!" Alex groaned. "Shut up! It's adorable!" Sam replied. "You two will be next! And then..we'll all be family!" Kara exclaimed happily.

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