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The wives stood in front of the hologram of Alura-El as they listened to her explain how human kryptonian pregnancy worked. "You'll be sick on and off like a normal human pregnancy Lena Zor-El. It will stop in a few days, quicker if you drink a pink liquid found in the fortress. Then your powers will start coming in." Alura explained. "That's good to know soon I'll be able to hear our child's heartbeat." Lena replied with a smile. "Is there anything else you can tell us mom?" Kara asked the hologram. "Yes. Lena Zor-El you will need to increase your food intake twice fold to get enough calories for the little one inside you." Alura said. Lena shot Kara a look. "It'll be ok. When your full powers come in and you give birth you'll have a forever six pack." Kara replied.

"That's the only good thing about it." Lena responded. "And you'll have the same powers as me so we won't need to hold back in the bedroom." Kara replied. Lena smirked at her as they left the room. "So what shall we do now?" Lena asked. "How about we go home and relax and get you some food." Kara suggested. "Foo does sound good since I didn't eat lunch. Maybe some pizza or something?" Len asked. "Works for me love." Kara replied.

The ride home was short but full of Lena's questions about what to except and how to control her powers. "Strength will probably be the hardest to master. I had to practice every day not to crush things." Kara explained. "Ok...so I suppose we'll just have to cross each bridge when they come." Lena replied. "And we'll handle it....together. Like we do everything else." Kara replied as they got out of the car and headed into the elevator together.

Lena curled up on the sofa and waited for Kara to come back with the liquid stuff. "Here we go love. Drink up." Kara replied. "This will cure my morning sickness?" Lena asked. "Yes." Kara replied as she sat down on the sofa next to Lena. Lena looked at the liquid for a long moment before drinking it down in one gulp. Kara kept her eyes on her the entire time to make sure nothing went wrong. After thirty minutes nothing happened and their food arrived. Three pepperoni kale pizzas and two boxes of potstickers.

Lena surprised both herself and Kara by eating an entire pizza alone along with half a box of potstickers. If it had been anyone else eating Kara's potstickers the blonde would have lost it, but it was her wife doing it and well Kara couldn't tell Lena no to anything. "I think I'm full for a while now...but save the rest." Lena said as Kara began gathering up the leftovers and putting them in the fridge. When Kara returned to the sofa she curled up with Lena in her arms as they watched a movie.

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